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Report of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Compliance with the Code of Ethics included in the Rules of

Procedure is monitored centrally by an ethics manager who

reports to the Compliance and Internal Control Officer of each

asset management company.

The rules on ethics are presented later on in this report, in the

section entitled “Ethics”.

In order to avoid the risks of insider trading, the Ethics Officer

and Compliance and Internal Control Officer maintain a list of

companies whose securities employees and their families are

prohibited from trading. In practice, any investment in a listed or

unlisted company must first be authorised by the Ethics Officer.

Control is carried out not only on transactions internal to the

Company, but also on the companies in the portfolio. Apax

Partners SA and Apax Partners MidMarket SAS are corporate

officers of practically all the companies in the portfolio. The

permanent representatives of themanagement company (or the

directors themselves) performthe role of corporate officers. They

are active onBoards andon remuneration andAudit Committees.

They receive amonthly activity report and each comments on it in

the partner’smeetings. They take the greatest care to ensure that

the capital of the funds managed by Apax Partners and Altamir

is invested in accordance with the objectives set at the time of


The Company exercises its voting rights at each Annual General


C. Procedures

In order to compile this report, the Chairman of the Supervisory

Board interviewed all the parties involved in internal control: the

CFO, the Compliance and Internal Control Officer, the Deputy

Internal Control Officer, the Statutory Auditors and themembers

of the Audit Committee.

The topics of internal control and ethics were discussed during

the Supervisory Board meetings.

D. Identification of serious deficiencies or

inadequacies of the internal control system

To thebest of our knowledge, no serious deficiencyor inadequacy

was revealed during the assessment or preparation of this report.



Please refer to section 1.5. Risk Factors

The risk factors and measures taken to limit their impact are

addressed in the Management Company’s report.

This report does not aim to describe the procedures in detail. Our

description of the organisation and our internal control principles

is intended to give you an outline of how our internal control

system functions.


to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism

and implemented new reporting software. It also conducted a

complete review of the FATCA status of the Company and all of

its investment holdings.

In 2017, we will continue to implement corrective actions if we or

our auditors identify weaknesses or omissions.

This report was approved by the Supervisory Board during its

meeting of 6 March 2017.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board