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Report of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Themembers of the SupervisoryBoard receivedno remuneration

other than the attendance fees detailed in the above table.

There are no individual corporateofficers other than themembers

of the Supervisory Board.

As a French partnership limited by shares, Altamir is governed

by a Management Company, Altamir Gérance, which is also its

sole general partner.

The rules governing the Management Company’s remuneration

can be found in the Company’s Articles of Association and this

Registration Document.

The rules governing the allocation of dividends to the general

partner and Class B shareholders can be found in the Company’s

Articles of Association and this Registration Document.

The Company has no stock option or bonus share plan in place.

The Supervisory Board has decided to give shareholders an

advisory vote on corporate officers’ remuneration (“say on pay”),

in accordance with:

the recommendation in paragraph 24.3 of the Afep-Medef

corporate governance code of November 2015, which

constitutes the Company’s reference code;

theAMF’sposition-recommendation2014-14on thepreparation

of Registration Documents.

As a Frenchpartnership limitedby shares, Altamir is not subject to

the new provision established by the Sapin II law of 9 December

2016, which requires a vote on the determination of remuneration


Consequently, at their 28April 2017General Meeting, Shareholders

will be asked to express a favourable opinion on the remuneration

payable or attributed to Maurice Tchenio, legal representative of

Altamir Gérance, Management Company, and to Jean-Hugues

Loyez, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, for the financial year

ended 31 December 2016, as presented in the Report of the

Supervisory Board.


Altamir applies the Afep-Medef Corporate Governance Code for

listed companies, published in December 2008 and updated in

April 2010, June 2013, November 2015 and November 2016. The

Code can be found at:


Limitations on the powers of the Management

Company – Supervisory Board’s role

In accordancewith the provisions of Article 20.4 of theArticles of

Association and Article 1.1 of the Supervisory Board’s Rules of

Procedure, any amendment to the co-investment agreement

between theCompany andApax Partners SAmust be authorised

by the Supervisory Board, having reviewed the Management

Report, by a two-thirds majority vote of members present or


In accordancewith the provisions of Article 20.3 of theArticles of

Association and Article 1 of the Supervisory Board’s Rules of

Procedure, the Management Company consults the Supervisory


on the applicationof valuation rules toportfolio companies, and

on any potential conflicts of interest.

In addition, pursuant to Article 1.1 of the Supervisory Board’s

Rules of Procedure, the Management Company also consults

the Supervisory Board prior to the acceptance of any new

appointment in another listed company.

Potential conflicts of interest between

the management and supervisory bodies

The Board has no knowledge of any conflict of interest between

the Company and any Board member or the Management


To the Supervisory Board’s knowledge, there are no potential

conflicts of interest.

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, the directors have

no ownership interest in the companies in Altamir’s portfolio,

with the exception of one company in which Altamir and the

fundsmanaged byApax Partners SAwereminority shareholders

(Aprovia, whose Chairman is Mr. Santini and the last shares of

which were sold in 2007; Altamir held only 0.55% of the capital)

and the securities of listed companies for which they filed the

customary statements with the Compliance and Internal Control

Officer of Apax Partners.

The Board’s Rules of Procedure explain how conflicts of interest

are to be avoided. They state that:

“In the event that a conflict or potential conflict between the

Company’s interest and the Board member’s direct or indirect

personal interest arises, the Supervisory Board member in

question must:

disclose the conflict of interest to the Board as soon as he/she

becomes aware of it; and

fully assume any consequences this may have on his/her

function. Depending on the circumstances, he/she must:

abstain from participating in the vote on the corresponding


not participate in Supervisory Boardmeetings as long as he/

she is in a position of conflict of interest, or

step down from his/her function as a member of the

Supervisory Board.

Any Supervisory Board member failing to abide by the rules

of abstention or resignation from one’s functions may be held

personally liable.

Furthermore, if the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the

Manager have a compelling reason to believe that one or more

of the Supervisory Board members face a conflict of interest,

they are under no obligation to communicate information or

documents pertaining to those conflicting topics, and they will

informthe Supervisory Board that such information has not been


Procedure for taking part in Annual General


The procedure for taking part in the Annual General Meetings is

described in Article 23 of the Company’s Articles of Association.