SEPTEMBER 2014 BEACON - page 4

In the blink of an eye …… I had been warned about this but at the
time I just shrugged it off as a passing comment. Quite a few friends,
as a matter of fact, had told me that before I knew it the year would
be over and done. In keeping with that insight the Labor Day
festivities have passed and Haul-Out is looming over the horizon.
Since last months’ article we’ve been busy both at NCYC and away.
We have had reciprocating Clubs visit the Island as well as stops by
Dinghy runs, Poker runs and Member’s guest alike. It seems that
everyone marveled at the beauty of the North Channel clubhouse
and grounds. That should be the feather in our caps and we should
be proud of all the compliments bestowed on us. It is all of our hard
work and effort that makes what we have happen.
Our 2014 Fleet Captains, Ian Blackburn and Marie Pepin have been busy most recently. They
have been piling on successes one after another with their planned ‘Away Games’ or
Rendezvous as most would refer to them. Many thanks to all of those stepping up to help
them, for that just assured success to everyone’s enjoyment. In Detroit, Milleken marina and
the Deee-troit Tigers were spectacular! Everything went smoothly even to the point of selling
out Milleken Harbor. We used that Rendezvous as a starting port for the Commodore’s Cruise.
With a few ports in Lake Erie as our destination, we had excellent weather on all of the days
that we were cruising on the lake. Many thanks go to the six boats and accompanying sailors
that participated. We had my son, his wife and daughter on our boat to share the trip with us.
The Blackburn’s, Brigman’s, Brooks’, Marten’s, and Stroh’s were with us. Leslie and Cinzia
Leitch joined all of us at Put-In-Bay and rounded out the visit by sharing a meal and having a
fun time. Again, thanks to all for making this Commodore’s Cruise so enjoyable and well-
As I said earlier, time is flying by and before we know it the season will be coming to a close.
Be sure to join in the activities left to us. With THE Cook-Off just around the corner, don’t miss
Smoke on the Water hosted by Glick-Hart and Latowski. The final rendezvous of 2014 is at
NCYC having a Casino theme to it. Watch out Las Vegas, here comes North Channel. The
Commodore’s Golf Outing follows hosted by the Nixon’s and Lipowski’s. We end the month
and start October with none other than Haul-Out and results of this year’s Candidates Race.
In the middle of all of this fun and entertainment, please take a moment to support all of those
members stepping up to run for an office of NCYC. It is with these folks that we’re going to
entrust the business of our Club. Furthermore, make sure that you submit your ballot. Make
sure that your voice is heard.
Many thanks to all of those involved in what we do at NCYC. From running for an office, to
planning an event or helping out where ever needed. It is with your hands and your interest
that makes our Club as good as it is. Please continue and keep North Channel Yacht Club the
BEST on the Lakes!
Let The Good Times Roll,
John Anderson
NCYC Commodore 2014
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