escaping with carbonic acid should the ferment–
ation go on too rapidly. Various methods are
in use to prevent too rapid fermentation. One
pound of black oxide of manganese, powdered,
restrains fermentation.
handful of powdered
clay to a barrel answers the same purpose.
Sulphuring the barrel has also the same effect.
After racking, confine the liquor by driving
the bung close, and by sealing.
vent must
be left, and the spile carefully drawn at times,
but only when necessary, to prevent the casks
from bursting. When the sediment has sub–
sided, rack in
clean, sweet caslcs,
and add to
every barrel of forty gallons two and a half
gallons of spirit 15 0. P.,
·2 pints simple sirup.
ounces crude tartar.
2 pounds of raisins.
2 ounces orange-flower water.
Then agitate the casks (they being well filled