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Key Components of ECCU Growth Action Plan



Convene meeting of social partners in all ECCU




Identify the key thematic areas for the biennium

2017 - 2019;



Establish the contributions of each country as it

relates to growth and job targets;



Build human resource capacity by revamping

the educational system;



Pursue Financial Market Development; and



Establish/develop, where necessary, the

regional and national infrastructure for reliable

and sustainable air, land and sea transportation.

The next steps will focus on:


A Growth Dialogue Action Plan;


An in-country rollout and Action Plan

implementation; and


The preparation for the next Growth Dialogue

in 2018.


External Sector Statistics (ESS) compiled using the

IMF Balance of Payments (BOP) and International

Investment Position Statistics (IIP), Sixth Edition (IMF


The Bank, in collaboration with the ECCU Central

Statistics Offices (CSOs) conducted the second round

of the external sector statistics surveys requesting

information for 2015. The expanded nature of the

compilation process necessitated a review of the 2014

data for consistency with that of 2015. Additional

checks and balances were included in the compilation

system to ensure consistency between the closing

balances for one year and the opening balances for the

current year in the International Investment Position

(IIP) Balance of Payments (BOP) services compared to

Trade in Services Data and BOP flows, valuation and

other changes compared to IIP balances for the year

in review. Revised data and further details for 2014,

preliminary data for 2015 and estimates for 2016 will

be released in 2017.

The ECCB participated in a planning workshop on

External Sector Statistics (ESS) organised by the

CARTAC from 22 to 25 November 2016. The CARTAC

ESS Resident Adviser also provided technical support

to the ECCB in December 2016. Another CARTAC

workshop, which provided training to ECCB officers

et al, on external debt statistics, was held during the

period 13 to 17 March 2017. External debt statistics is

a key component that feeds into the compilation of the

BOP and IIP statistics.

National Accounts Statistics

The revised national accounts questionnaires were

completed and submitted to ECCU CSOs. The ECCB

also provided technical assistance to the CSOs in

implementing the recommendations of the 2008

SNA that were applicable to the ECCU; updating the

classification system for national accounts to ISIC Rev.

4; and improving their estimates on the Expenditure of

the GDP in current and constant prices.



The ECCB and the OECS Commission signed a

Memorandum of Understanding on 22 November

2016, establishing a more effective framework for

collaboration that will provide stronger coordination

and partnership in order to increase effectiveness and

development impact in the OECS. This collaboration

covers the following areas:

a. Macroeconomic Policies;