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At its meeting of 9 June 2016, the Board Audit and Risk

Committee (BARC) approved a three-year Strategic Plan

and Revised Charter for the Internal Audit Department

(IAD) which reflected a full assurance arrangement.

The Strategic Plan and Revised Internal Audit Charter

took into consideration the recommendations arising

from the external quality review done by the KPMG

and the Update Safeguards Assessment conducted by

the IMF during the latter part of the 2015/16 financial


As the Bank continued on the path of aligning the

activities of the department with international best

practices, all operational activities previously carried

out by the IAD were reassigned to other areas within

the Bank to allow the IAD to place greater focus on

the function of assurance in keeping with its Revised

Charter. The reassignment was necessary to ensure

that there was no threat to the independence of the


During the financial year the IAD completed the

following audits:






effectiveness in providing value added services

to the Bank;


The Research Department’s effectiveness in

producing timely and effective policy advice to

member governments;


Agency Office operations in three of the seven

ECCBmember countries, specifically as it related

to the issue and redemption of currency; and


A follow-up audit of the Bank Supervision


ECCB Launches Distinguished Alumni Series

Dr Oral Williams, Deputy Division Chief, International Monetary

Fund (IMF) delivered the first lecture when the ECCB launched its

Distinguished Alumni Series in October 2016.

The programme provides an important avenue for staff members’

professional development, affording them an opportunity to learn

from ECCB alumni who have distinguished themselves through

practice and experience in the fields of Economics, Research and


The central purpose of the programme is to strengthen ties with the

Bank’s alumni, while enhancing staff members’ learning experience

and improving the Bank’s service to its member countries.

Dr Williams spoke on: “Economics and the Art of Self Awareness.”

Dr Oral Williams, lecturer, ECCB inaugural

Distinguished Alumni Series

View Dr Williams’ lecture