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Returning the Bank to profitability is a key goal

under the Bank’s strategic priority of Enhancing

Organisational Effectiveness. Achieving this goal

necessitates a review of the Bank’s risk tolerance as it

relates to management of the Bank’s foreign reserve

portfolio since over 90.0 per cent of the Bank’s income

is derived from this activity.

The process by which risk tolerance is analysed

and implemented in portfolio benchmarks is called

Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA). It is critical that this

process be executed in accordance with the ECCB’s

mandate to preserve capital, within the context of best


The World Bank Treasury provides advisory services

and training to official sector investment managers

including central banks, sovereign wealth funds, public

pension funds and international organisations through

the Reserves Advisory and Management Programme


The technical assistance provided by The World Bank

under RAMP is comprehensive and all areas of the

reserve management function will benefit. Beyond the

technical expertise required to review the benchmark,

participation in RAMP will strengthen the following

areas of the reserve management function:






Portfolio Management



Risk/Performance Reporting






Audit and Operational Risk



Evaluation of external asset managers



Information Technology

As a member of RAMP the Bank will also benefit from

on-going support via communication with The World

Bank Treasury team in different areas of reserve


ECCB team meets with officers from RAMP to discuss the Bank’s membership in that reserves management body

ECCB Joins Reserve Advisory and Management Programme (RAMP)