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Statistics, Internal Audit and Research. Staff also

attended various regional meetings and conferences,

whichprovidedadditional opportunities for networking

and the exchanging of ideas.

Recruitment and Selection

In order to ensure that departments were manned

adequately, the recruitment and selection of

candidates with the best fit to fill critical staffing gaps

was given high priority. Twelve recruitment exercises

were undertaken during the period which resulted in

25 new staff members being welcomed into the ECCB

family. As at 31 March 2017, the Bank had a staff

complement of 208 employees.

Policy Enhancement and Compliance

A comprehensive review of the Staff Regulations

(November 2006) was undertaken. This resulted in

the approval of Revised Staff Regulations in keeping

with best practices. To ensure optimal individual and

organisational performance, the Bank continued to

support the needs of the staff in achieving a work-life

balance by introducing a flexi-time policy.

To ensure optimal individual and

organisational performance, the Bank

continued to support the needs of the

staff in achieving a work-life balance by

introducing a flexi-time policy.

Compensation and Benefits

The HRD was actively involved in the review of benefits

which were deemed essential for the well-being of the

Bank’s human resource.

Effective July 2016, the Bank approved the initiative

for retirees to continue on its Group Health Insurance

Plan. The initiative provides an increased benefit to

the Bank’s retirees and makes available an additional

option for healthcare.


ECCB Connects


Who we are, What we do and How

we serve you!

As part of the thrust to provide the public with a better

understanding of the role and functions of the ECCB

and how its work affects their lives, the Bank launched

its weekly programme,

ECCB Connects

in April 2016.

The programme is aired in seasons which run for three

consecutive months with new prgrammes released on

Wednesdays. As at 31 March 2017, 43 programmes

had been released on the Bank’s YouTube channel and

Facebook page. The topics covered included:


How the ECCB Issues andManages EC Currency;


Steps to Bank Resolution;


How the Work of ECCB Economists Impacts the

Lives of the People of the ECCU;


Correspondent Banking Relations;


Banking Products and Services;




Electronic Payments System;


How the ECCB Regulates and Supervises

Financial Institutions.