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Resolution of existing issues;


Improved controls;


Enhanced reporting; and


New functionalities and automations.

The Statistical Enterprise Solution (SES)

The SES system, which is powered by SAS, supports

web-based technology and covers collection,

processing, storage and the dissemination of data.

Commercial banks have been submitting the prudential

returns through the web-based SAS Portal since 2014;

and end users within ECCB have been accessing both

raw level and processed data. Development and

enhancement of the system are ongoing.

Based on feedback from users and compilers, it was

determined that further enhancements to the SAS

system were needed. A survey was conducted among

the commercial banks, with the ultimate goal of

considering enhancement of the data upload process

through the SAS Portal, and to better understand the

commercial banks’ processes for populating the ECCB

Prudential Returns.

ECCB Going Green!

The Bank is embarking on a major environmental preservation initiative - the “Greening of the ECCB Campus

Project.” The project aims to achieve carbon neutrality. It focuses on: (i) the improvement in energy

conservation habits; (ii) the replacement of energy inefficient plant and equipment; and (iii) the generation

of electricity from renewable energy. In a subsequent phase, water recycling for some aspects of the Bank’s

operations would be pursued.

The goal of the project is in line with the Paris Agreement, a United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse gases emissions mitigation and adaptation, adopted by

consensus on 12 December 2015. It is the objective of the project not only to achieve carbon neutrality, but

also reduce electricity cost significantly. It is envisioned that the project will be used as a model for the use

of renewable energy across the ECCU.

It is envisaged that the “Greening of the ECCB Campus Project” will be completed in 2018.

ECCB to Host XII Intra-Regional Central Banks Games

The ECCB will host the 2018 XII Intra-Regional Central Bank Games under the theme “Embracing Competition,

Creating Bonds ICBG 2018” in St Kitts and Nevis over the period 29 March to 2 April 2018.

One objective of the games is to showcase the culture of the Eastern Caribbean by portraying the “Story of Our

Islands”, through drama, song and dance. The games will feature competitions in basketball, cricket, darts,

dominoes, draughts, football, table tennis, netball and volleyball.