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Work with member countries to develop

a Model Insolvency Law (MIL) that can be

adopted in all ECCU jurisdictions. The MIL will

also assess the suitability of a Model Secured

Transaction Law for the ECCU, and facilitate

the implementation of a regional secured

transactions initiative if deemed appropriate;



Undertake further research and analysis

on the concept of a Regional Development

Financial Institution to support growth and

transformation of the ECCU’s private sector

within the context of a single financial and

economic space.

Establishment of a Single Financial Space


In collaboration with the OECS, the Bank will

finalise an action plan for the implementation

of the single financial space across the currency

union over an established timeframe.

Deposit Insurance


The Bank, in collaboration with the technical

working group, will prepare a policy paper on

the establishment of a Deposit Insurance Fund

for the ECCU Financial System and coordinate

the drafting of deposit insurance legislation

for the ECCU, based on the Monetary Council’s

policy selection and approval.

ECCU Credit Bureau

In collaboration with the ECCB’s technical working

group, the Bank will accelerate the establishment

and operationalisation of an ECCU Credit Bureau with

particular attention on the following:


Follow up with member territories on the

passage of the Harmonised Credit Reporting

Bill and Regulations;


Finalise the Request for Proposal (RFP) process;


Finalise and implement the process for selection

of a credit bureau operator;


Coordinate the requests for training for the

credit bureau regulator; and


Assist with the conduct of industry and public


Single Insurance and Pensions Market Project and

Eastern Caribbean Financial Services Commission

The ECCB will continue to support the Single Insurance

and Pensions Market Project (SIPMP), and the

establishment of the Eastern Caribbean Financial

Services Commission (ECFSC) in line with Goal Three

of the ECCB Strategic Plan, to enhance the non-bank

financial sector risk management. During the financial

year, the following initiatives will be pursued:


Finalisation of the Commission Agreement;











establishment, and operationalisation of the

ECFSC Headquarters; and


Finalisation and passage of the Insurance and

Pensions Act and Commission Agreement Act.


Regional Government Securities Market (RGSM)


In order to increase the participation of

investors on the RGSM, the Bank will assist

member governments to develop formal

investor relations programmes during the

financial year. Efforts will also focus on

disseminating information on fiscal and debt

indicators through the redevelopment of

national websites; and


As part of the development of the RGSM,

market intelligence surveys will be undertaken