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across the currency union to support the design

and implementation of the Debt Management



Consistent with Goal Five of the ECCB Strategic Plan,

which speaks to engaging stakeholders around a

regional economic development strategy to foster

economic growth and employment, The Bank will

undertake the following initiatives:


In collaboration with the OECS, implement

an economic development plan for the ECCU

(including regional sector strategies to reduce

unemployment at national levels);


Advocate for, and provide technical support

to member states on recommendations

for improving MSME access to finance and

markets; and


Consult and provide policy advice to member

states on attaining a ranking among the top

50 in

The World Bank Annual Ease of Doing

Business Indicators




The ECCB will expand the length of the period

for external sector statistics compilation to

include two-week missions conducted in-

country. This will help to ensure that adequate

time is allotted for the reconciliation of the

previous year’s data with the current year’s

survey, and capacity building of CSO staff;


Other initiatives aimed at improving the

External Sector Statistics include: efforts

at improving response rates to the surveys

in member countries through awareness

campaigns and video conference meetings with

staff in the CSOs, to further build capacity in the

compilation processes;


The Bank will continue to provide technical

assistance to member states on the compilation

of the national accounts statistics;


Along with other agencies operating in the

region such as the CARTAC, Project for the

Regional Advancement of Statistics in the

Caribbean (PRASC), OECS Commission and

CARICOM, the ECCB will provide technical

support to the execution of the action plan

for the rebasing of the national accounts and

expanding the national accounts tables for the

member states; and


Work will also continue on expanding the scope

and coverage of the national accounts.

Regional Government Securities Market (RGSM)


The Bank will host a symposium, with various

stakeholders, on the RGSM in November 2017

to chart theway forward, particularly deepening

the market for long term securities and growing

the secondarymarket for government securities

in the Eastern Caribbean; and


The Bank will also conduct joint research with

the staff of the Ministries of Finance aimed at

enhancing the operations of the RGSM.

Debt Management Advice and Capacity Building

The following will be executed:


Leadership and communications training for

Debt Managers;


Training on Public-Private Partnership (PPP)



Development of debt procedures manuals;


Technical assistance in implementing and

monitoring Medium Term Debt Management
