Boil 12 pounds Apricots {pitted and sound) 1 pound
sugar in three gallons of water for
hour, strain liquor
in pot, put 2 kernals in, cook all till boiled, take out and
cool, put
cake yeast in crock with juice and ferment 4
days, then put in crock till fermentation is over, skim put
in pint white wine, Mix and then bottle.
A few cloves,
oz. of cinnamon, thin peel of
2 round slices lemon, 4 oz. of sifted sµgar and one pint
of w:ater, boil for 15 minutes in an enameled saucepan,
add a little gratEid nutmeg or powdered ginger, 2 large
bottles Claret Wine, one small glass of Brandy or Curacao.
When near boiling, strain, bottle.
Take any amount of strawberries, put same in stone crock
and cover with boiling water, allow to cool
desired) strain through white clean cloth into
crock, let ferment 18 days, then add one pound sugar to
every gajlon of juice, also one pint of age:d gin or Brandy.
(Brandy preferred.) Then bottle.
10 gallons elderberries, 10 gallons of water, 45 pounds
white sugar, 8 oz. red tartar, forment with one cake fresh
yeast, skim off impurities, then pour into cask with 4
ounces ginger root sliced or allspice and 3 oz. of bitter al–
monds suspended in cloth bag infuse in liquor while it
ferments. 3 quarts of brandy may\ be added when wine is
clear. Bottle.
2 pints make one quart.
4 quarts make one gallon.
10 gallons make one! Anchor.
42 gallons make one Tierce.
63 gallons make one Hogshead.
2 Hogs Heads make one Pipe.
2 pipes make one Ton.
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