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Name that Section: Frequently Used Education Code and Title 5 Sections for Community College Districts

©2018 (c) Liebert Cassidy Whitmore


m. “Old” Plan Component 16: Graduate Assumption Program

i. Legal Requirements

Here again, we utilized the

Model Plan

numbering for clarity. The Education Code requires that

the Chancellor’s Model Equal Employment Opportunity Plan encourage “districts to take steps

reasonably calculated to inform their students about the opportunity to participate in the

Graduate Assumption Program of Loans for Education (GAPLE)” authorized by the Education



The Guidelines note, unfortunately, that the GAPLE program is not currently funded, and has not

been funded in recent years. Nevertheless, the

Model Plan

recommends that districts explore

other ways to encourage students to complete their graduate studies so that they can compete for

academic positions in the community colleges.

ii. Implementation

We recommend the suggested language included in the

Model Plan



As noted above, one

indicator that can capture the “sensitivity to the diversity of community college students” is that

the applicant was a community college student. Because this factor offers a race/ethnicity

neutral criterion that has the potential to attract a diverse, qualified applicant pool, districts

should develop programs designed to encourage community college students to become

community college professors or administrators.

n. “Old” Plan Component 17: Progress in Achieving Ratio of Full-Time to Part-

Time Faculty Hiring While Ensuring EEO

i. Legal Requirements

Here again, we use the

Model Plan

number for clarity. The law requires districts to progress in

achieving the ratio of full-time to part-time faculty hiring, while still ensuring equal employment

opportunity. As indicated above, districts are also required to address this in their EEO Plans.

ii. Implementation


We recommend that districts address this in Component 10 as more fully outlined above.

B. T






a. Deadline for Completion

The current regulations were approved by the Department of Finance (“DOF”) in September

2013, and they became effective in October 2013.

b. Renewal and Amendment Procedures

Section 53003 subdivision (b) requires districts to review their plans at least every three years

and, if necessary, revise and submit them to the Chancellor’s Office. As noted in the



, this triennial process should not be confused with districts’ annual responsibility to conduct

employment surveys.