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Law Clerks Joint Labour Committee

Senator Thomas J. Fitzpatrick was appointed to

fill the vacancy among the Society's representatives

on the committee in place of Mr. Dermot P. Shaw

who has resigned.

Trade Marks Bill, 1962

The Council considered the provisions of the

Trade Marks Bill of 1962 and the Secretary's report

thereon and decided that no action should be taken.

Solicitor holding liquor licence

A member wrote to the Society enquiring whether

he could hold a seven day publican's licence as

nominee for a company, a client of his firm, and of

which he was secretary. While under indentures he

had, with the permission of the Society, held the

licence. The property in question was due to be

redeveloped and pending redevelopment there was

very little trading. Member wished to know if, on

his admission, he could continue to hold the licence


The Council, on a report from a

committee, decided that on the basis that normal

trading was not resumed, member's application

should be granted for a period of six months.


member wished to hold the licence for a longer

period he should re-apply after the expiration of the

six months.

Lease of premises with



liabilities for costs.

A grant of premises by way of lease in consider

ation of a fine of £600 and reserving a rent of



annum contained a stipulation that the grantee

would pay the full costs of the granting of the lease

including the outlay of the grantor in its entirety.

On completion the grantor's solicitors furnished a

bill to the grantee charging £19 193. od. commission

fee on the £600 fine,


scale commission fee on the

rent and the following additional items to which the

grantee's solicitor took objection ;

fees for copying

and certifying documents of title

£4 izs.

8d. (items

3—8), search in the Registry of Deeds

£i zs.


(item 9), P.D. stamp


135. 9d. (item 10), section 6

certificate £3 js. od. (item n). It was contended by

the solicitor for the grantee that these items should

be included in the commission fee on the fine. The

grantor's solicitor on the other hand maintained that

items 3—8 are outlay


not included in the com

mission scale fee chargeable against the vendor and

(&) were transferred to the grantee by the contract.

The same applied, in his contention, to items 10 and

11 and the matter was referred to the Council by the

solicitors concerned. The Council on a report from

a committee decided that the grantor's solicitors

were not entitled to the fees in items 3 to 8 amounting


£4 izs.

8d. but that they were entitled to the fee


£i zs.

od. for the Registry of Deeds search (item 9)

if it represented outlay paid to a searcher and that

they were entitled to the fee at item 10 amounting



133. 9d. for the P.D. stamp and also to the fee



53. od. (item u) for the section 6 certificate.

Costs : Reduction for purchaser mortgagee

Members acted for the subsidiary of an English

company which was erecting a factory in Ireland.

The company were advancing the sum of £2,250

towards the purchase price of a house by their

manager B, and B was represented by other solicitors

in the purchase. Members drafted the form of

mortgage and sent it to B's local solicitors for

approval. B was liable to his own solicitors for the

full commission scale fee on the purchase.


mortgage was executed and registered and members

costs amounted to about £58-6-8 plus outlay.

They felt that the accumulation of the commission

fee on the purchase and the mortgagor's and the

mortgagee's charges would be a heavy imposition

on B and they enquired from the Society if they

could charge a lesser fee for the mortgage. If the

purchaser had obtained a loan from a building

Society instead of from his own company he would

pay the reduced charges usually payable in respect of

building society transactions.

The Council on a

report from a committee decided that the members

should be authorised to charge a reduced fee com

parable to the fees charged by building societies.



At the annual general meeting of the Dublin

Solicitors' Bar Association held in the Solicitors'

Buildings, Four Courts, on the 8th October 1962

the following officers and council were elected for

the year 1962-63 :


Mr. John A. Cullen;


Mr. Synge Millington ;

Hon. Secretary,

Mr. Ernest J. Margetson;

Hon. Treasurer,


Edmond O. Sheil.


V. Wolfe, J. M.

Farrell, E. Byrne, K. Burke, R. Knight, G. Williams,

E. Barrett, G. M. Doyle and M. Kenny.


Tickets for the Society's Annual Dinner Dance,

which is to be held in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin

on November 22nd, are now available from the

hotel at



Table reservations should be

made through the hotel.

The management advise that they are offering

accommodation at 35/- per person, bed and break

fast, plus io/- per person for private bathroom,

if required, to any guests attending the dance.