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(2) In respect of all sales, purchases, or charges com

pleted, or not completed, for which the remuneration pre

scribed by the foregoing provisions of this rule is not charge

able, the remuneration shall be the charges prescribed by

clause 2 (V) ofthe Order of 1884 amended by the Order of 1960

as varied by these Rules.

Leases and fee-

8. The provisions of clause 2


of the Order

farm grants.

of ^84 shallbe varied as follows:

(i) The remuneration for leases or agreements for leases

at rack rent (other than mining leases or leases for

building purposes or agreements for the same) shall

be the charges set out in the First Schedule to these


(ii) The remuneration for conveyances in fee or for any

other freehold estate reserving rent (not being a fee-

farm grant under the Renewable Leasehold Conver

sion Act or the Church Temporalities Acts), or

building leases reserving rent, or other long leases

not at rack rent or agreements for the same respec

tively, mining leases or licences or agreements for

therefor shall be double the charges set out in Part

II of Schedule I to the Order of 1884.

(iii) Rule 5 of the Rules applicable to Part II of Schedule I

ofthe Order of 1884 is hereby modified so that, where

the conveyance or lease is partly in consideration of

a money payment or premium, the further remunera

tion chargeable on such payment or premium shall

be ascertained as prescribed in Rule 7 of these Rules.

9.—(i) The provisions of clause 2


of the

Other business

Order of 1884 and the Order of 1960 shall be

varied as follows:

(i) For all charges on any transfer (not being a transfer on

sale) by a registered owner, or his personal representa

tive where the property vests in the personal repre

sentative, including charges for instructions and for

the drawing, engrossing, execution and completion

of the instrument and any consent, affidavit, or

statement required in connection therewith, and for

the registration of the ownership and burdens (if any)

created, and the discharge of the burdens (if any)

discharged, to give effect to the transfer, the re

muneration to the solicitor for the transaction

completed shallbe the charges set out in Part I of the

Second Schedule to these Rules.

(ii) For all charges in connection with an application for

the cancellation ofa notice of equities or of possessory

title in the register that may be cancelled on an

application under rule 34 or 35 of the 1959 Rules,

the remuneration to the solicitor who obtains the

cancellation shall be the charges set out in Part II

of the Second Schedule to these Rules.

(iii) On a transfer by a registered owner (not being a

transfer on sale) and on a transmission on the death

of such an owner, the cancellation in the register of

a notice of equities or notice of a possessory title

that may be cancelled on an application under rule

34 of the 1959 Rules shallbe deemed to be part of the

business of the solicitor in connection with the trans

fer or transmission, and, if obtained when registration

under the transfer or transmission is applied for, the

charge therefor prescribed in (ii) ante shall be

chargeable as part of the charges for such business.

(iv) The costs of an applicant or a judgement creditor for

which an order of the Registrar may issue under rule

118 (6) of the 1959 Rules in connection with an

application under the said rule for the cancellation

ofa notice in the register ofa deposition ofan affidavit

of judgment shall be those prescribed in Part III

of the Second Schedule to these Rules. These costs

shall be exclusive of any costs 'of or incidental to an

application to the Court on a reference under rule

118 (5) of the 1959 Rules.

(2) Except as prescribed by the foregoing provisions

hereof, the remuneration for business with registered property

to which clause 2


of the Order of 1884 applies shall be the

amount of the charges prescribed by the said clause 2


amended by the Order of 1960 as varied by these Rules.

10. It is hereby declared that Rule n of the

Rccission of rule Rules to Part I of Schedule I to the Order of


l884> wnich was. rescinded by clause 3 of the

Order of 1884.

Order of 1951, is also rescinded as far as the

Land Registration Rules 1959, and these Rules

are concerned.

Meaning of

ZI . "Value" in the Second Schedule to these

Second Schedule Rules means fifty times the rateable valuation of

to these Rules,

the property.


12.—(i) Costs prescribed by these Rules shall

when taxable, be taxed by a Taxing Master of the

High Court and the Rules of the High Court and Supreme

Court for the time bieng relative to taxation shal1 apply to such

costs as if the Land Registry were an Office of the High Court.

(2) In the taxation of costs the Taxing Master shall

have regard to the procedure prescribed by the Acts and these

Rules and shall disallow the costs of any document or part

thereof that he may consider unnecessary or prolix having

regard to the prescribed form and the procedure and effect of

registration under the Acts.

1 3 . The amendments contained at paragraph 3


and 4


of the Order of 1960 shall not apply to registered property.

14. The following instruction fee shall be substituted for

the instruction fee in the Schedule to the Order of 1960:

"Such fees for instructions as, having regard to the care and

labour required the number and lengths of the papers to be

perused, and the other circumstances ofthe case may be fair and


15 In Note 6 of the Schedule to the Order of 1960 the word

"later" shallbe substituted for the word "earlier" in said note.


Scale of Charges as to Leases or Agreements for Leases at

Rack Rent (other than Mining Leases or Leases for Build

ing Purposes or Agreements for the same).

Lessor's Solicitor:

For preparing, settling and

completing lease and counter


Where the rent does not ex­






£15 percent, on the rental but

not less in any case than
