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The following sections will be of interest to

practitioners :—

Section 8, which provides for the maintenance of

a Register by

the Planning Authority for the

purposes of the Act in respect of all lands within

the area and containing entries of all relevant

matters. The Register is to incorporate a map to

enable a person to trace any entry thereon and an

applicant may obtain a certificate of any entry in

the Register for a fee. It is not clear from the section

if the Planning Authority will give something in the

nature of a search showing all entries relating to

specified premises. It is apparently the duty of the

applicant to inspect the Register himself and then

make application for certificates




particular entries.

Section 9, which obliges the occupier of any

premises or any person receiving rent to give when

required to the Planning Authority particulars of

the estate or interest by virtue of which he occupies

the premises or the name and address and the estate

or interest (so far as they are known to him) of

every person having an estate or interest in the land.

Section 75 (i), which provides for the disposal

of land by a Planning Authority for the purposes of

the Act, and that the consent of the Minister may in

certain cases be required. (It is not clear what effect

the refusal of or failure to obtain consent would

have upon a

bona fide

purchaser of the premises for

value and it would seem, therefore, that any person

purchasing such land should ensure, by means of a

requisition on title, that the consent of the Minister

has been given.)

Under Sub-section (4) of Section 75 neither the

Landlord and Tenant Acts, 1931 and 1958 nor the

Rent Restrictions Act, 1960, apply to a lease granted

by a Planning Authority where the land has been

acquired by the Authority for the purposes of the

Act and the Authority consider that they will not

require the use of the land for any of their functions

for a particular period. Such a lease is to be expressed

to be a lease granted for the purposes of the

particular sub-section.

Section 82 provides that regulations may be made

for any matters relating to references and appeals

and under sub-section 4 any person conducting an

oral hearing may require an officer of the Planning

Authority to give information in relation thereto

which would be reasonably



Sub-section 7 any person may be required to attend

and give evidence in relation to any matter in

question at the hearing and to produce any books,

deeds, contracts, accounts, vouchers, maps, plans

or other documents in his possession or control

relating to the subject matter of the appeal or




The above Bill, which was introduced recently,

gives effect to the budget increases in social assistance

payments and for the increase in the rates of social

insurance benefits and contributions from January,

1964. The Bill also provides for an increase in the

maximum yearly means which a person may have

in order to qualify for a non-contributory old age

pension. Section 2 of the Bill provides for increasing

all rates of non-contributory old age and blind

pensions by 2/6 per week and it comes into operation

on the ist November, 1963.



The above regulations (S.I. No. 145 of 1963)

were signed by the Minister for Justice on the 25th

July, 1963. They prescribe various fees and expenses

for the purposes of the Coroners' Act, 1962

vl^. :

the fee to be paid to a Coroner who holds an inquest

outside his own district, the fee chargeable by a

Coroner or a County Registrar for furnishing copies

of inquest documents, the fees and expenses payable

in respect of postmortem and special examinations

and the attendance of witnesses at inquests and the

removal or custody of a body. They replace the

existing regulations (S.I. No. 92 of 1962). The

regulations may be obtained from the Government

Publications Sales Office, G.P.O. Arcade, Dublin,

price gd.


The following is an excerpt from the Official

Report of the Dail Debates relating to Section 16 of

the Finance Bill, 1963. This section provides that

the Revenue Commissioners may require any person

in receipt of profits from a trade, profession or

vocation to produce accounts and books relating

thereto, or to make them available for inspection

and copying.


I move amendment No. 8 :

To add to the section a new sub-section as

follows :

' (3) Nothing in this section shall oblige a

solicitor to disclose, contrary

to professional

privilege, any information concerning the affairs

of any client of his or to produce any book or

account from which any information concerning

any client can be obtained.'