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Registry of Deeds

There was a discussion on


a proposal that deeds

with memorials for registration might be lodged by


(£) the form of memorial;

(V) negative and

common searches. As regards


it was decided that

unless the Department of Justice would agree to

introduce legislation that solicitors should have the

option to lodge deeds and memorials for registration

either manually as at present or to use the postal

service no change should be sought in the present

system ofmanual delivery. As regards (£) the Council

direct that the discussions with the Parliamentary

Secretary should proceed with proposals for (i) the

abolition of parchment and the substitution of paper

of standard quality and size for memorials, (ii) the

ise of typescript or manuscript at the option of the

party, (iii) the abolition of the affidavit of attesting

witness, (iv) the substitution of a standard form with

columns or sections


the present narrative

memorial. As regards


it was decided to continue

the discussions with the Department on the following

line, (i) there should be only one kind of search in

substitution of the present negative and common

searches, (ii) the official search should include a

Government guarantee against mistake by officials,

(iii) the requisition for a search should be lodged by

post or by hand at the option of the party, (iv) there

should be a standard fee on an application for a

search by an adhesive revenue stamp based on the

number of years covered and the number of names,

(v) searches should be returned by post or taken up

manually. If the party wishes to keep the search open

so that the conveyance to the purchaser will appear

thereon it should be possible to close the search either

by post or by personal attendance, (vi) existing

facilities for unofficial hand searches should be


Weekend meeting 1963

It was decided to make inquiries with a view to

holding the next weekend meeting in Co. Donegal.

Registry of Deeds hand search. Incidence of


On a report from a committee, the Council stated

that if a contract for sale provides for Registry of

Deeds searches by the vendor and the vendor

cannot furnish the searches on the date appointed for

completion, the vendor should pay for the substitute

hand searches if the sale is closed by agreement before

the official searches are ready.

District Court. Service of processes

The Council considered a report from a committee

on difficulties experienced by practitioners in having

service of processes effected particularly under the

default procedure. It was decided to make representa–

tion to the District Court Rules Committee suggesting

that if it is impossible to secure the services of

suitable persons as process servers rules should be

made to enable documents to be served by registered

post without any special order of the Court in all

civil proceedings except in the case of a summons for

committal under the Enforcement of Court Orders

Acts. The rule should provide that ordinary default

civil bills should be served in the same manner as

ordinary civil bills. If the suggestions of the society

are adopted the District Justice will have power to

make an order for service by registered post of an

examination order under the Enforcement of Court

Orders Acts.

Solicitors appearing on television

Having regard to the pending introduction of

television it was decided to publish a statement for

the guidance of members on

the professional

position. Inquiries are being addressed to other Law

Societies, the Bar Council and the Irish Medical

Association and a further statement will be published

in due course.


First law, September 4th and 5th;

second law,

September 4th and 5th;

third law, September 6th,

yth and 8th;

Book-keeping, September


Preliminary, September 5th and 6th;

First Ir'sh,

September i5th; Second Irish, September i5th and









On July zyth in the Dublin Metropolitan District

Court a chartered accountant was convicted and

fined a sum of £5 with £50 costs in proceedings

instituted by the Society.

It was proved that the

accountant had prepared the memorandum and

articles of association of a limited company for or in

expectation of fee or reward. The Justice held that

the articles of association is a document relating to

personal estate within the meaning of section 58 of

the Solicitors Act 1954 and that it does not fall

within the exceptions mentioned in the section. The

Justice fixed recognisances in the event of an appeal.

Messrs. Seamus Henchy, s.c., and Scan Gannon5

B.L., (instructed by Mr. E. A. Plunkett) appeared.for

the Society. Mr. Seamus Heavey, s.c. and Mr

William Twomey, B.L.

(instructed by Messrs