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Article 60.

Services within the meaning of this Treaty shall

be deemed to be services normally supplied for

remuneration, to

the extent that they are not

governed by the provisions relating to the free

movement of goods, capital and persons.

Services shall include in particular:


activities of an industrial character;

(£) activities of a commercial character;


artisan activities and


activities of the liberal professions.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the Chapter

relating to the right of establishment, a person

supplying a service may, in order to carry out that

service, temporarily exercise his activity in the State

where the service is supplied, under the same

conditions as are imposed by that State on its own




Except where otherwise provided for in this

Treaty, Member States shall not introduce any new

restrictions on the freedom which has been in fact

achieved, in regard to the supply of services, at the

date of the entry into force of this Treaty.



i. Before the end of the first stage, the Council,

acting by means of a unanimous vote on a proposal

of the Commission and after the Economic and

Social Committee and the Assembly have been

consulted, shall lay down a general programme for

the abolition of restrictions existing within the

Community on the free supply of services. The

Commission shall submit such proposal to


Council in the course of the first two years of the

first stage.

The programme shall, for each category of services,

fix the general conditions and the stages of such


z. In order to implement the general programme

or, if no such programme exists, to complete one

stage in the liberalisation of a specific service, the

Council, on a proposal of the Commission and after

the Economic and Social Committee and


Assembly have been consulted, shall, before the end

of the first stage by means of a unanimous vote and

subsequently by means of a qualified majority vote,

act by issuing directives.

3. The proposals and decisions referred to in

paragraphs i and 2 shall, as a general rule, accord

priority to services which directly affect production

costs or the liberalisation of which contributes to

facilitating the exchange of goods.



Member States hereby declare their willingness to

undertake the liberalisation of services beyond the

extent required by the directives issued in application

of Article 63, paragraph 2, if their general economic

situation and the situation of the sector concerned so


The Commission shall make recommendations to

this effect to the Member States concerned.



As long as the abolition of restrictions on the free

supply of services has not been effected, each Member

State shall apply such restrictions without distinction

on grounds of nationality or residence to all persons

within the meaning of Article 59, first paragraph, who

supply services.



The provisions of Articles 55 to 58 inclusive shall

apply to the matters governed by this Chapter.


Representations were made




Commission on the inconvenience caused to some

solicitors by the refusal of the Department to supply

stocks of sub-division application forms for use when

required. The Land Commission have now agreed

that applications for forms will be met in full

subject to a maximum issue of three dozen forms at

any one time. The Council feel that this arrangement

will be satisfactory as it will enable practitioners to

lay in a sufficient stock to cover eighteen applications

for sub-division keeping a copy for the file.


A letter from the assistant director of Ordnance

Survey states that it has now been decided to

extend the existing licence scheme for the copying

of maps to cover a reproduction by mechanical

means. The annual fee for the licence will be ij/-

in respect of each partner and assistant in the firm.

Details of the scheme and application forms for the

licence maybeobtainedonrequestfromthe Assistant

Director, Ordnance Survey Office, Phoenix Park.,,
