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My presidential year is now approaching its end

and very shortly I shall hand over this insignia of

office to my successor. May I say that for me it

has been a very happy and interesting year and

I am deeply grateful for the honour bestowed upon

me by your Council when, last year, they elected

me as president.

I have had the honour to represent your Society

at numerous functions and have been entertained

most hospitably by other institutions.

On numerous occasions I have been accompanied

by my wife and everywhere we were treated as

honoured guests—showing the position and esteem

in which your Society is held. I have been entertained

by the Northern Law Society in Belfast and my

wife and I have been guests of the Scottish Law

Society at Gleneagles and of the English Law

Society at their annual conference at Harrogate.

I had the privilege as your president of addressing

the National Conference of the English Law Society

at their opening Plenary Session in October, 1963.

I believe that this was the first occasion upon which

our Society was so honoured. At this conference

I endeavoured to explain the difference as between

our laws and theirs and to show that ours in certain

respects were better.

My colleagues on the Council have supported me

with their advice and have shown patience with my

shortcomings. In particular I should like to thank

my vice-presidents, Mr. Desmond Collins and

Mr. Patrick O'Donnell—both of whom have been

always ready to ease my burdens. Mr. Plunkett has

been a continuing source of help and assistance, and

I am more than grateful to him. He is the chief

executive officer of your Society and we are very

fortunate to have him—not only for his smooth

running of the day to day business of the Society

but for his unflagging energy in watching at all

times the interest of the profession.

Mr. Gavan Duffy in the Library has always met

my enquiries with kindly interest and has been most

helpful. To the office staff, I express my sincere

gratitude for

their ever willing assistance and

lastly, I thank Mr. William O'Reilly who looked

after me and my chain of office with his usual


I think that I am the first State Solicitor to have

held the office of president of your Society, and this

I could not have done without the help, assistance

and forbearance of the Attorney General and the

Chief State Solicitor. To both of them I am very


Judge Scan McD. Fawsitt, the Circuit

Judge for the County of Carlow, has been more

than considerate and so to have the Justices of the

District Court before whom, during the last twelve

months, I have appeared and very often have failed

to appear.

Finally, I thank my colleagues in the Carlow Bar

Association who understanding my problems had

the greatest forbearance when my official duties

interfered with the normal flow of legal work

between professional colleagues.

During my year I have met a lot of old friends

and have made new ones, and I look back with

gratitude to the Society for having put me in a

position so to do and to give me what has been

one of the happiest years of my life.

It is now, with great pleasure, that I move the

adoption of our report and I would ask Mr. Desmond

Collins formally to second the proposal.

Mr. Desmond J. Collins seconded the adoption

of the report and the motion was carried unani


Mr. Edward J. Kenny proposed that the President

should vacate the chair which was taken by Mr.

Desmond Collins, Vice-President. Mr. Kenny then

proposed a vote of thanks to the President for his

distinguished services to the profession during his

year of office.

The motion was carried with general acclamation.

There was no further business.


OCTOBER 3RD: The President in the chair, also

present Messrs. John J. Nash, Ralph J. Walker,

Desmond Moran, G. G. Overend, James R. C.

Green, Patrick Noonan, Thomas A. O'Reilly,

Reginald J. Nolan, Niall S. Gaffney, George A.

Nolan, James W. O'Donovan, John Carrigan,

Desmond J. Collins, John Maher, William A.

Tormey, Gerard M. Doyle, Richard Knight,

Edward J. C. Dillon, W. R. Osborne, Eunan

McCarron, Rory O'Connor, Augustus Cullen,

John C. O'Carroll, R. A. French, Brendan A.

McGrath, T. V. O'Connor and R. McD. Taylor.

The following was among the business transacted :

Authentication of Documents for the

United States Courts

Complaints were received of undue delay in

having these documents completed and forwarded

to the United States. It was decided that representa

tions should be made to the President of the High


Same solicitor for purchaser/mortgagor

On a report from the Committee the Council

expressed the opinion that the solicitor acting in

both transactions is entitled to charge the full