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that he was so confused and deficient in reason that

he was incapable of forming the necessary intent, and

that he was guilty but insane as he was suffering from

a disease of the mind within the M'Naughten Rules.

The judge had put the third defence to the jury, but

not the first or second. Held, on appeal, that the

course taken by the judge was right and that no

alternative verdict of manslaughter was




Att. Gen. for Northern Ireland (1961) 3

W.R.L. 965 ; 105 S.J. 865 ;

(1961) 3 All E.R. 523,


Criminal law—summing-up—issue of provocation not left

tojury. (Homicide Act,

1957 (5 & 6

E/i%. z, c.

n), ^.3)

If in a trial on a charge of capital murder contrary

to 3.5 (i) (b) of the Homicide Act, 1957, evidence is

given on which the jury might find such provocation

as would reduce the crime to manslaughter under s. 3

of the Act, the judge must direct the jury that the

alternative verdict of manslaughter is open, and

leave the question of provocation to the jury, even

though the defence did not seek to raise the defence

during trial.

The appellant had shot his father-in-law in the

course of gang warfare between his and another

family. His defence was that he had shot his father-

in-law by mistake, having meant to shoot at two

members of the rival gang who were attacking his

father-in-law in his own home. Neither party sug

gested that a verdict ofmanslaughter might be given,

and there was not a word in the appellant's evidence

to suggest in terms that he had been provoked. No

reference to manslaughter was made in the summing-

up to the jury, which convicted of capital murder. On

appeal, held that as the alternative verdict was open

on the facts it should have been explained to the jury

and the question of provocation should have been

left to them, and as the jury might have returned a

verdict of manslaughter tha t verdict should be sub

stituted : R.


Porritt (1961) 3 All E.R. 463. C.C.A.


Register A

Would any Bank, Solicitor or other person, -who may have any

knowledge of the whereabouts of the documents kindly

communicate with Fred Sutton & Co., Solicitors, 52 Dame

Street, Dublin.

IN the Goods of MARIE J. PAINE, late of Norval, Croswaithe

Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, deceased who died at

Bloomfield, Donnybrook, Dublin, on the 6th January, 1962.

If any person is aware of a Will of the deceased subsequent to

the igth April, 1947, will they please communicate with

John P. A. Hooper & Co., Solicitors, Royal Bank Chambers,

102 Upper George's Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.


1891 AND 1942

Issue of New Land Certificate

Applications have been received from the regis

tered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed

hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in sub

stitution for the original Certificates issued in respect

of the lands specified in the said Schedule, which

original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or

inadvertently destroyed.

A new Certificate will be issued in each case,

except a case in respect of which notification is

received in this Registry within 28 days from the

publication of this notice, that the Certificate of

Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some

person other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which such

Certificate is being held.

Dated the 3ist day of January, 1962.


Registrar of Tides

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street,




BANK'S LAW AGENT (Dublin) has vacancy for an

Assistant Solicitor, aged under thirty. Good knowledge

of conveyancing essential. Initial salary according to

experience, but not less than £800. Reply (in con

fidence), stating age and details of education, qualifica

tions and professional experience to Box A. 191.

1. Registered Owner Most Reverend Michael

Fogarty and others. Folio number 329. County Clare.

Lands of Caherhurley in the Barony of Tulla Upper

containing 8a. 02. 2p.

2. Registered Owner George A. O'Toole. Folio

number 6017. County Kildare. Lands of Carbury in

the Barony of Carbury containing oa. or. 2$p.

Register C


Registered Owner Robert Eaton.


Eetate of the late Miss PHYLLIS MURRAY, Barrcttstown Castle, Qumber 2722. County Donegal. Lands of Munter-


«nny in the Barony of Raphoe North, containing

the original title deeds of the Barrettstown Castle Estate.

39a. or. I2p.