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Pract i ce


The Judgments Convention

and the

Maintenance Orders Act 1974

1. The

EEC C o n v e n t i on


J u r i s d i c t i on

a nd

t he

Enforcement of J u d gme n ts in

Civil and Comme r c i al Ma t t e rs

(the J u d gme n ts Convention) is

given the force of law in the

State by the Jurisdiction of

Cou r ts and En f o r c ement of

J u d gme n ts (European Com-

munities) Act, 1988 (No. 3 of

1988). The Convention is n ow

in force (since 1 June 1988)

b e t we en Ireland and Belgium,

Denmark, France, t he Federal

Republic of Germany, Italy,

Luxembourg, t he Netherlands

and t he United Kingdom.

2. M a i n t e n a n ce o r d e rs c o me



Add i son Sons & Madden

Avenue House,

Southgate, Chichester,

West Sussex P019 1ES

The Editor,

The Gazette,

The Law Society.

2 9 t h June, 1988

Dear Sir,

The Lawyers Fishing Club

of England and Wales

I am a member of c omm i t t ee of the

above named Club and, at a recent

meeting, it was considered t hat it

wo u ld be very pleasant to have

exchange events w i t h our angling

p r o f e s s i onal c o l l eagues in t he

British Isles.

w i t h i n t he s c o pe of t he

Con v en t i on. Sub j ect to t he

provisions of the Convention

and the transitional provisions

contained in Article 3 4 of the

1978 Ac c e s s i on Con v en t i on

(see Third Schedule to the 1988

Act) a maintenance order made

on or after 1 June 1988 in

another Con t r ac t i ng State will

be enforceable in Ireland, and


3. Under an Ag r eement b e t we en

t h e

I r i sh

a nd

B r i t i sh

Governments special provisions

e x i s t

f or

t he

r e c i p r o c al

recognition and en f o r cement of

ma i n t enance orders b e t we en

Ireland and the United Kingdom.

The relevant Irish provisions are

contained in t he Ma i n t enance

Orders Act, 1974. The t w o

Gove r nmen ts have agreed to

c o n t i n ue t he Ag r e eme nt in

operation after t he entry into

f o r c e

of t h e

J u d g m e n t s

Conven t i on for bo th countries

(i.e. 1 June 1988). As a result

—in a case wh i ch comes w i t h in

the scope of the Maintenance

O r d e rs A c t ,

1 9 7 4,

t he

provisions of t hat Act will

apply, and

—in a case wh i ch is outside the

scope of the Ma i n t enance

Orders Act, 1974, but w i t h in

the scope of the Jurisdiction

I was asked to try to make

c on t a ct w i t h t hose w h o mi ght be

interested in such events which, we

envisage, wou ld take place annually

w i t h a venue in Scotland, Ireland,

Wales and England, on a rotating


As I understand it, there is no

Lawyers Fishing Club, as such, in

Eire but it wo u ld be kind if you

wou ld publish this letter in your

Gazete in t he hope t hat at least

some of the Irish Lawyers will wa nt

t o c o me i n t o our

p r o p o s ed


I invite any such ladies or gentle-

men to wr i te to me, at t he above

address, for any further information

wh i ch they may require, at this


Yours faithfully,

H. C. Frank W i c k h am - Sm i th

of Courts and Enforcement of

J u d gme n ts (European Com-

mu n i t i e s) Ac t, 1988, t he

provisions of the 1988 Act

will apply.

Law Division,

Depa r tment of Justice.

Deeds of Covenant in favour of

non-UK Resident Charities

The Policy Division of the United

Kingdom Inland Revenue has asked

the Revenue Commissioners to

advise interested parties of the

e f f e ct of Clause 35 of the Finance

(No. 2) Bill 1988.

The new provisions remove t he

r i g h t w h i c h p r e v i o u s ly

w a s

a v a i l a b le t o d e d u c t t ax


payments made out of income prior

to 15th Ma r ch 1988 in respect of

deeds of covenant in favour of non-

United Kingdom Resident Charities.

A n

e x c e p t i on

a p p l i es

f or

covenan t ed paymen ts in favour of

charities established under the laws

of the United K i ngdom wh i ch will

continue, as heretofore, to be

payable under deduc t i on of tax.

Chief Examiner,

Income Tax Claims Branch,

Of f i ce of t he

Revenue Commissioners.



The Courts Act, 1988, has

abolished the right to trial

w i t h a Ju ry in certain actions

claiming damages for personal

injuries to a person or t he

death of a person: the Act will

c ome into operation on 1st

August 1988.

Practitioners are requested

to inform t he Chief Registrar,

Four Courts, Dublin 7, of t he

list numbers of actions wh i ch

will con t i nue t o be entitled to

trial w i t h a J u ry n o t w i t h-

standing the provisions of the

Courts Ac t, 1988.