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The wo r l d 's leading

compu t e r - ass i s t ed

legal i n f o rma t i on


LEX I S - Re p o r t s, S t a t u t e s,

De c i s i o n s, Ca s es .

t h e

s i n g l e a n d i mm e d i a t e

s o u r c e of i n f o r ma t i on

y o u n e ed a t a

r a t i o n a l c o s t .

LEX IS t a k e s t h e

s p a d e w o r k o u t of

l e g a l r e s e a r c h.

LEX IS g i v es y ou

t h e f u l l t e x t of

t h e o r i g i n al

s o u r c e

w i t h i n s e c o n d s.


t h e s o l e

a g e n t in


t h e Re p u b l ic

of I r e l a nd

a n d N o r t h e rn

I r e l a nd f o r


I TEL IS is a

c o m p a n y j o i n t l y

o w n e d by T he

I r i sh T i me s a nd

B u t t e r w o r t hs

t h e UK l e g al

p u b l i s h e r s.

LEX IS b e c a u s e,

of i t s s p e ed

is a c o s t -

e f f e c t i ve and,

p o w e r f u l

r e s e a r ch

t o o l .

For f u r t h e r

d e t a i l s i n c l u d i ng a

d e m o n s t r a t i on

c o n t a c t :—

9 D 'OL I ER ST.,


T e l : 7 1 7 0 3 5 / 7 1 7 0 87




Ni l

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1 1 1




The Dublin Business School at the National Institute for

Higher Education currently has an enrolment of 1,000

students on four undergraduate and three post-graduate

programmes. The Dublin Business School also offers students

opportunities to pursue higher degrees by research.

The Dublin Business School is strongly committed to

academic research into commercial law. Applications are

invited from suitably qualified persons wishing to undertake

a whole-time or part-time programme of research leading to

a higher degree - M.A., or Ph.D.

Applicants should have either a good primary degree in law

(first or upper second class honours) and/or relevant

professional qualification(s) and/or experience. They should

propose a scheme of research in either company or banking

law or allied areas; or one which, though solidly grounded

in these areas, comprises an inter-disciplinary element. The

Dublin Business School proposes to be as flexible in its

prerequisites as is compatible with the highest standards.

In the first instance queries should be directed to Dr. David

Tomkin or Mr. Raymond Byrne, Dublin Business School,

NIHE, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, (telephone 370077 Ext. 145 or

146), who would be pleased to discuss proposals further with

those interested.

Corporate Lawyer

Allied Irish Banks pic

This important position has arisen due to the

impend i ng retirement of the Gr oup Legal

Adviser. After a transition period, the

successful applicant will be responsible for the

provision of a c omp l e te range of in-house

legal professional services to the Group.

The ideal candidate will be a practising lawyer

in the 3 5 / 5 0 a ge group, w h o currently holds a

very senior position in an established law firm

and wh o s e expertise emb r a c es all or most of

the following legal specialisations - Banking,

Compan i e s, International Finance, Securities,

Insurance, Intellectual Property, Real Estate,

Trusts, Consumer Affairs and Labour Relations.

Candidates currently operating as senior legal

advisers within large financial institutions or

major corporations are also relevant.

Salary is negotiable and there is an attractive

benefits package. Please write - in confidence -

to D. M. Hand quoting reference L82874.

MSL International,

49 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2.

Offices In Europe, the Americas, Australasia and Aala Pacific.



