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James J. Ivers,

Director General,

Law Society,

Blackhall Place,

Dublin 7.

Dear Mr. Ivers,

You may recall that in 1986 we

amended our procedures to ensure

that our Guarantee Certificate

(Form HG6) was available well in

advance of the closing of sales.

This change was to ensure that the

warranty was in place before a

purchaser completed the agree-

ment w i th the builder. In general,

this has worked satisfactorily but

we are becoming a little concerned

at the extent to which persons who

b o r r ow f r om s ome f i n a n c i al

institutions are able to obtain

finance w i t hout any great check

being made on whether or not the

house is registered.

We have gone to the trouble in

recent mon t hs of briefing all of the

major financial institutions who are

involved in the home loans market

to bring to their attention the

necessity for them to be alert at the

time when they are considering

app l i ca t i ons for mo r t gages to

ensure that the house is registered

w i t h us and to look for the

registration certificate.

I feel that the Law Society could

help us in this area by sending out

some adv i ce to p r ac t i t i one r s,

particularly w i th regard to ensuring

t h a t c e r t i f i c a t es are in t he

possession of purchasers before

sales are closed.

I would appreciate your view on

t h is ma t t er and in pa r t i cu l ar

whether or not you consider it is an

area wh i ch the Society can assist.

Yours sincerely,


National House Building

Guarantee Scheme,

Canal Road,

Dublin 6.

The Editor,

Law Society Gazette,

Blackhall Place,

Dublin 7.

Mapping/Registration of Title

Dear Sir,

Members of the Law Society may

not be aware that the Ordnance

Survey O f f i ce has field s t a ff

working on a full time basis in most

parts of the country. We are

prepared to offer the services of

this staff to carry out the mapping

for registration of individual titles

on behalf of the legal profession.

The fee involved would be in the

region of £ 50 per survey irrespec-

tive of the geographical location of

the site. However, this would only

be viable if the Ordnance Survey

were to obtain a reasonable pro-

portion of the survey relating to

registration of title. In the case of

multiple registrations on the same

site the fee could be negotiated.

We wo u ld app r ec i a te if your

members were made aware of this

service and depending on the

vo l ume of wo r k, it cou ld be

introduced almost immediately on

a trial basis. We are also prepared

to negotiate w i th regard to the

production of maps for the re-

gistration of title where extensive

survey is required.

If any further information is

requested I would be obliged if you

would contact Tony Preston or


Yours sincerely,


Assistant Director,

Ordnance Survey Office,

Dublin 7.






M . Anse l l, M . A . ,

98 The B r oadway,

Heme Bay,

Kent CT6 8EY,

Eng l and

Tel. (03 0 2 2 7 3) 6 7 9 29 (24 Hours)


Submission of material

The Gazette Editorial Board

welcomes the submission of

short articles (800-1,500 words)

on topics of popular interest.

Articles should be typed on A4

paper, double spaced and

should be addressed to:

The Executive Editor,

Law Society Gazette,

Blackhall Place,

Dublin 7.

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