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Professional I n f o rma t i on

Land Registry —

issue of New

Land Cer t i f icate

Registration of Title Ac t, 1 9 64

An application has been received from the

registered o w n e rs m e n t i o n ed in the

Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Cer-

tificate in substitution for the original Land

Certificate as stated to have been lost or in-

advertently destroyed. A new Certificate will

be issued unless notification is received in

the Registry within twenty-eight days from

the date of publication of this notice that the

original Certificate is in existence and in the

custody of some person other than the

registered owner. Any such notification

should state the grounds on wh i ch the Cer-

tificate is being held.

5th day of January, 1988.

J. B. Fitzgerald (Registrar of Titles)

Central Office, Land Registry, (Clárlann na

Talún), Chancery Street, Dublin 7.


Patrick Ryan, Peake, Claregalway. Folio No.:

8 6 6 8 ;


C l a r e g a l w a y;


59a.0r.32p. County: GALWAY.

J o hn J. Byrne & Hazel Byrne, Monadreen,

Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Folio No.: 40217;

Lands (1) Clongower; (2) Clongower; Area:

(1) 0a.0r.8p.; (2) 0a.0r.17p. C o u n t y:


E a m o n n D u f f y, Friary View, Athlone, Co.

We s t me a t h. Folio No.: 8 4 2 2 ; Lands:

Creaghduff (Part); Area: 3a.1r.17p. County:


Mary Ita Bernadette Costello and J o hn

Co s t e l l o, The Square, Glin, Co. Limerick.

Folio No.: 17026; Land: Abbeyfeale West;

Area: 0a.1r.2p. County: L I M E R I C K.

J a m e s D u f f y, Knocktemple, Virginia, Co.

Cavan. Folio No.: 7499; Lands: Murmod;

Area: 21a.1r.4p. County: CA V AN.

B y r ne Taverns, Athenry, Co. Galway. Folio

No.: 2647F; Lands: Athenry (Part); Area:

30'Á perches. County: GALWAY.

James Kelly & Minnie Kelly, Railway

Street, Cahirciveen, Co. Kerry. Folio No.:

16153; Lands: Cahirciveen; Area: 0a.0r.6p.

County: KERRY.

J o s e p h B y r n e, Johnstown, Benekerry,

Carlow. Folio: 11764F; Lands: Larah; Area:

2 7 . 2 60 hectares. County: CAR LOW.

M a r y Faenay, Park Middle, Spiddal, Co.

Galway. Folio No.: 28610; Lands: (1)

L o u g h a u n b e g; (2) L o u g h a u n b eg (one

undivided fifth part); (3) Loughaunbeg (one

undivided third part); (4) Loughaunbeg (one

undivided fifty-ninth part); Area: (1) 4 . 2 38

acres; (2) 1.069 acres; (3) 0 . 3 69 acres; (4)

9 6 3 . 00 acres. County: GALWAY.

M a r t i n Folan, Teach-Mor, Inverin, Co.

Galway. Folio No: 2 8 6 1 4; Lands: (1)

L a u g h a u n b e g; (2) L a u g h a u n b eg (one

undivided fourteenth part); (3) Loughaunbeg

(one undivided fifth-ninth part); Area: (1)

11a.2r.16p.; (2) 0a.3r.10p.; (3) 963a.0r.0p.

County: GALWAY.

J a m e s G. O ' H a l l o r a n, Castlequarter,

Cratloe, Co. Clare. Folio No.: 615; Lands:

Castlequarter: Area: 30a.3r.17p. County:


G e o r ge W i g g i n s, Corderlis, Ballybay, Co.

Monaghan. Folio No.: (1) 232; (2) 2388;

Lands: (1) Corderlis; (2) Corderlis; Area: (1)

20a.1r.34p.; (2) 10a.2r.24p. C o u n t y:


F r a n c is M o o r e, Tobeen, Garristown, Co.

Dublin. Folio No.: 982; Lands: (1) situated in

the Townland of Tobeen and Barony of

Balrothery East; (2) situated in the Townland

of Baldwinstown and Barony of Balrothery

East. County: D U B L I N.

B i g J. L i m i t e d , L a n d s c a pe House,

Landscape Road, Churchtown, Co. Dublin.

Folio No. 71086L; Lands: The property

situate to the north of Tandy's Lane in the

t own of Lucan. County: D U B L I N.

J a m e s a n d E l i z a b e th Reilly, Forest Part,

Athy, Co. Kildare. Folio No.: (1) 10569F; (2)

10570F; (3) 10571F; Lands: (1) Rathstewart;

(2) Rathstewart; (3) Rathstewart. County:


P h i l ip O ' S u l l i v a n, c/o Henry Street Garda

Station, Henry Street, Limerick. Folio No.:

10357F; Lands: Briskea Beg; Area: 0 . 4 00

acres. County: L I M E R I C K.

K e v i n O ' B y r n e, 6 B l a c k t h o rn Drive,

Caherdavin, Co. Limerick. Folio No.: 2016L;

Lands: Shaunabooly; Area: 0a.0r.10p.

County: L I M E R I C K.

Kerry C o u n ty C o u n c i l, County Hall, Tralee,

Co. Kerry. Folio No.: 6 7 0 9; Lands: Kilfelin

Trughanancy, Ballymacdonnell Trughancorry

& Others. County: KERRY.

J a m e s C a r r o l l, Folio No. 15553; Lands:

Tinnacarrick; Area: 6a.0r.0p. Co u n t y:


T h o m a s S m i t h of Brideswell Commons,

Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. Folio No.: 4152;

Lands: The property situate in the Townland

of Brideswell Commo ns and Barony of

Uppercross. County: D U B L I N .

K a t h a r i ne Kenny of South Strand, Skerries,

Co. Dublin. Folio No.: 10768F; Lands: Part

of the Townland of Mornington, Barony of

Duleek Lower. County: M E A T H .

Lost Deeds

Trident D e v e l o p m e nt Ltd. - Title to

property at Curra and Faha, Glenbeigh, Co.

Kerry including Land Cert. Folio 2 2 2 4 3, Co.

Kerry. Any person having knowledge of the

said Deeds please contact Marcus A. Lynch

& Sons, Solicitors, 12 Lr. Ormond Quay,

Dublin 1. (Ref. BL/19015).

Lost Wi l ls

MULVEY, J o h n A u g u s t i n e, late of c/o Mrs.

P. Frizzele, Aughnagrange, Boyle, Co.

Roscommon and formerly of Garvagh,

Keshcarrigan, County Leitrim and previously

of Ardcame, Boyle, Co. Roscommon and

Lackagh, Drumfin, Co. Sligo; retired teacher.

Will anybody having knowledge of the

whereabouts of a Will of the above named

deceased please contact Patrick J. Groarke

& Son, Solicitors, Longford.

CHERRY, J a m a s, late of Woodcock Hill,

Meelick, Co. Clare, farmer, deceased. Will

a n y o ne

h a v i ng

k n o w l e d ge


t he

whereabouts of a Will of the above named

deceased w h o died on 5th October, 1988

please contact Tynan, Murphy, Yelverton &

Co., Solicitors, 16 William St., Limerick.

O'REILLY, Hu b e r t, deceased, widower, date

of death: 17 March 1987 and O'REILLY,

M a r g a r e t, deceased, date of death: 10

January, 1985, both of 12 John Street, Sligo.

Will anyone knowing of the whereabouts of

the Wills of the above named deceased

please contact Damien Tansey, Solicitor,

Law Chambers, 3 Wine Street, Sligo. Tel.

(071) 6 2 6 0 8.

C O N N E L L, J o h n ( Ma r t i n ), deceased, late

of Kiniska, Claregalway, Co. Galway. Will any

p e r s on

h a v i ng

k n o w l e d ge


t he

whereabouts of a Will of Testamentary

D i s p o s i t i on e x e c u t ed by t he above

mentioned deceased, who died on the 23rd

day of March, 1978, please contact

MacDermot & Allen, Solicitors, 10 St.

Francis Street, Galway. Tel. (091) 67071.

HE A S L I P, T h o m a s P., deceased, late of 3

S y d e n h am Road, Ballsbridge, Du b l in

(formerly of Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Ob. 10th

October, 1988. Would any person having

knowledge of the whereabouts of a Will of

the above named deceased please contact

Messrs. John N. Duff & Co., Solicitors.

Buncrana, Co. Donegal.

Miscel laneous


S A L E : details f r om Collins Brooks &

Associates, Solicitors, 7 Rossa Street,

Clonakilty, Co. Cork. Tel. (023) 3 3 3 32 (Ref.




Twelve week intensive course com-

mencing Wednesday, January 11, 1989.

For details Tel. Nerys Ryan 8 9 4 0 26

4 . 0 0 - 7 . 3 0 p m.


T I T L E S, recently retired, seeks part-time

e m p l o y m e nt as c o n s u l t a nt on First

Registration, Section 4 9 and conversion of

title applications. Box No. 10.

3 4 4