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financial position. S. wishes to know whether he

may act for AB and his son in proving their claims

against the estate o f CD in the bankruptcy. The

Council were o f the opinion that as CD has no

privilege against complete disclosure of his alfairs

in the Bankruptcy Court S. may act for AB and his

son in proving their claims.

Appeal from the District Court. Issue o f

execution order



o f the Society acted for the plaintiff in

civil proceedings for damages for assault and

battery in the District Court and obtained a decree



damages with £3 u s . 6d. costs and expenses.

On appeal by the defendant the decree o f the

District Court was affirmed with


16s. yd.

costs and witnesses’ expenses. The County Registrar

refused to issue a warrant for the total amount of

the decree as affirmed, amounting to £30 8s. id.,

on the ground that this is the duty o f the District

Justice and referred to the Circuit Court Rules

1950, Order 43, Rule 7, and the District Court

Rules, 1948, Rules 197 and 198. The decree was

sent to the District Court clerk who issued a warrant

for the amount with District Court costs and

expenses only totalling £ 13 n s . 6d. This amount

had been collected from the defendant and the costs

o f the affirmation of the decree are still outstanding

They asked for the opinion o f the Council as to the

legal position. The Council expressed the opinion

that having regard to Section 23 o f the Courts

o f Justice (District Court) Act, 1946, it was the

duty o f the District Justice to issue an execution

order for the whole amount o f the decree with

costs and expenses as allowed by the Circuit Court.





Attorney General has set up the following

Committee to consider and make recommendations

on the subject o f company law reform :—Chairman,

Mr. H. Vaughan Wilson, S.C. Members : Messrs.

Robert Leonard, K .C .; Henry J. Moloney, S.C.,

representing the General Council of the Bar of

Ireland; Messrs. Arthur Cox and George A.

Overend, representing the Incorporated Law Society

of Ireland; Messrs. Herbert E . A . Addy and

Gabriel Brock, representing the Institute o f Char­

tered Accountants in Ireland; Messrs. Mervyn

Bell and W. L. White, representing the Society o f

Incorporated Accountants in Ireland.


Mr. John Kenny, B.L.








following facts, which, members w ill agree,

disclose considerable hardship, were recently sub­

mitted to the Council. Solicitors were consulted

by an old lady on the subject of an old age pension

at the rate o f 17s. 6d. per week to which' she became

entitled by virtue o f a marriage settlement dated

23rd November, 1948, made in view o f the intended

marriage o f her son which was solemnised on the

following day.

The settlement was lodged for

stamping on 26th November, 1948, and after

repeated reminders the stamp duty was assessed,

the deed being stamped on 19th April, 1949. It

was lodged in the Land Registry on 22nd April,

1949, and registration was effected on 31st August

o f the same year. The interval between the execution

o f the settlement and the registration o f the dealing

during which the deed was in the custody o f the

two Government departments was approximately

ten months. Shortly after 24th November, 1948,

an application was made to the Local Pensions

Committee claiming the old age-pension with effect

from the date o f the settlement, but the claim was

rejected on the ground that no evidence o f the

settlement could be produced. No appeal was taken

against this decision. As soon as registration had

been completed a certified copy o f the folio was

lodged with the Pensions Officer with a claim for

arrears o f old age pension back to 26th November,

1948, to which the registration was referable. The

Local Pensions Committee on 31st December,

1949, awarded the applicant a pension from 23 rd

September, 1949, and refused the claim for arrears.

The applicant did not appeal against this decision

within the prescribed time o f seven days. The

papers were referred to the Council with the request

that they should approach the Minister to have the

decision o f the Pensions Committee re-opened

having regard to the extreme hardship o f the case

and the lengthy delay which had occurred in the

two Government departments concerned.


Minister stated that he had no power to re-open

the matter, and that the decision o f the Pensions

Committee became final in the absence o f an appeal.

He also said that it could not be assumed that the

Central Pensions authority would have disallowed

the original claim if an appeal had been lodged

within the prescribed time although evidence of

the settlement could not then be produced. The

applicant in this case was the unfortunate victim of