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Assents by Personal Representatives

in their own favour.”

The Solicitor.



The Irrevocable Authority

o f Agents.”

The Solicitors’ Journal,

April 7th—“ Liability o f Minis­

try o f Health for negligence

o f Hospital Staffs.”

“ Without Prejudice.” “ Repu­

diation and Public Bodies.”

April 14th—•“ Illegal Premiums

Paid to Agents.”

“ The

Teaching o f Equity.”

April 21 st—“ A Mechanised





April 28th—•“ Sale o f Business

to a Company.”

Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly,

November, 1950—

“ Notice and Registration.”

TheModernLaw Review,

April, 1951


Some Aspects

o f Mutual Wills.”

“ The Right to

Rescind for Breach o f Condition in a

Sale o f Specific Goods under the Sale of

Goods Act, 1893.” “ A Ramble with

Res Ipsa Loquitur.”


Mr. McGilligan’s Budget Speech



my Budget Speech last year


referred to the

5 per cent, stamp duty imposed by the Finance

(No. 2) Act, 1947, on transfers or leases o f houses

and lands. I expressed regret that I was unable

to propose any alteration in the incidence o f the

duty but undertook that the matter would be

reviewed again before the next Budget. Deputies

may recall, incidentally, that sub-section (6) of

Section 6 o f the Housing (Amendment) Act,



°—which was passed in August, after the Finance

Act—provided for a reduction o f the stamp duty

rate from 5 per cent, to 1 per cent, in connection

with any transfer or lease o f a house qualifying

for a grant on first sale under the main provisions

of the same section.

I now propose, as regards the types o f case still

affected by the 5 per cent, duty, that that rate should

be reduced to 3 per cent, o f the amount or value

of the consideration.

A minor point arises in this connection. Where

the amount or value o f the consideration exceeds

£500 and does not exceed £1,000 the existing law

provides a graduated scale finishing on the note

that, where the amount or value is £1,000 but not

more, the duty chargeable is £50—in other words,

at the rate o f 5 per cent. This graduated scale will

require consequential amendment so that it will

go up, not to 5 per cent., but to 3 per cent.

Provision for these changes will appear in the

Finance Bill and they will come into effect on the

1st August next or the date o f the passing o f the

Finance Act, whichever is the later day.

It is

estimated that, this year, the cost o f bringing down

the rate as proposed will run to £233,000. I am not

proposing this year any alteration in the 25 per

cent. rate.

The Finance Act, 1947, doubled the stamp

duties chargeable under the First Schedule to the

Finance Act, 1891, on conveyances or transfers

o f stocks or marketable securities. The doubling

of the duties meant an increase in the rate from

1 per cent, to 2 per cent. I now propose that the

rate o f duty should be reduced to its original 1 per­

cent., as regards conveyances or transfers of any

stock or marketable security issued, whether before

or after the passing o f the Finance Act, by an Irish

company. This relief will operate as on and from

the 1 st August next, or should it occur later, the

date o f the passing of the Finance Act.

It has been represented strongly to me that, if

a reduction were effected as now proposed, it

would give a notable impetus to investment in

Irish securities generally and would improve the

market for new issues. I am, therefore, taking this

step in the hope that it will add to the attractiveness

o f Irish securities and encourage Irish investors

to invest their capital in them rather than outside

the country.

I should, perhaps, stress that this relief will not

affect transfers of shares in external companies,

except in a limited field for which it is considered

desirable to make special provision. As regards

external companies, the reduction in the rate will

apply only where shares are transferred on branch

registers established by such companies in this


The relief will cost roughly £25,000 this year.

—(Parliamentary Debates)





. M




: I move—

That, in the case o f persons dying after the 2nd

day of May, 1951, the scale set out in the Schedule

to this Resolution shall be, and shall have effect

as, the scale o f rates o f estate duty in lieu o f the