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facts submitted the application was a liquidated

demand, and that accordingly the application for the

costs of the letter should not be made.

Police reports



Council considered correspondence between the

Society and the Attorney General’s Department on

the subject o f the refusal by the Garda authorities to

furnish abstracts of the statements of witnesses

whose names appear on police reports in cases where

criminal proceedings are pending. A note on the

subject is printed below.

Leases and mortgages—Covenants to insure

against fire



Council considered a report from a committee

on the position which arises from the practice of

lessors of requiring lessees to insure against fire

with a named company, and the similar practice of

mortgagees advancing money on the security o f the

property, of requiring the mortgager to insure with

a company nominated in the mortgage deed. It was

pointed out that in many cases lessees borrow money

for the purpose o f purchasing residential property,

and where different insurance companies are named in

the lease and in the mortgage the lessee may find

himself in the position of having to insure twice

over. The committee reported that it frequently

happens that neither the mortgagee nor the lessor will

agree to any alteration in the covenant. The Com­

mittee reported that the attention o f the Minister for

Justice should be drawn to the position, and that he

should be asked to consider whether it would be

advisable to deal with the matter by legislation on

the lines o f Section 56 o f the Landlord & Tenant

Act, 1931. The report of the Committee was adopted

Library acquisitions



a report from the Library Committee it was

decided to purchase a number o f legal text books

costing approximately £85.

Solicitors’ Indemnity insurance



following resolution was proposed, seconded

and adopted :—

“ That the Council should consider the

advisability of setting up a defence union for

the purpose of insuring solicitors against claims

for negligence on the lines of the scheme

operated by the Medical Defence Union.”

The matter was referred to a committee for

consideration and report.

Applications under Section 16 and 18

An application by a law clerk for liberty to be bound

for three years only pursuant to Section 16, con­

sidered and granted.

An application from an intending apprentice to

the Chief Justice for exemption from the Preliminary

Examination was considered. It was decided not

to oppose the application.




the Society’s Gazette for March 1948, the follow­

ing notice was published :—

“ Following representations made by the

Council, the Commissioner o f Police has agreed

to permit the names and addresses of witnesses

to traffic accidents in which criminal proceedings

are pending, to be supplied to members o f the

legal profession. Heretofore, this information

has been withheld until the termination of the

criminal proceedings.”

In the Society’s Gazette for April, 1949, following

a communication received from the Department o f

Justice, the following statement was published

“ Notification has been received from the

Department o f Justice that the procedure in

the case of road accidents, whereby an abstract

from the report of the Garda Siochana on the

accident may be supplied to interested parties,

has recently been revised. In future, interested

parties will, on request, be supplied with copies

of written statements made by witnesses,

including members of the Garda. These docu­

ments may be made available even where

criminal proceedings are pending, provided

that the Gardai are satisfied that this will not

affect the course o f justice.”

The Council has recently been informed by the

Attorney General’ s Department that the facilities

mentioned in the notice o f April, 1949, are being

withdrawn, and that abstracts o f witnesses state­

ments will not be furnished in any case where

criminal proceedings are pending. The letter makes

no reference to the notice from the Commissioner,

Garda Siochana, dated March, 1948, and the

Council understand that the position whereby a

solicitor acting for a party to civil proceedings w<i'”

be supplied with a copy of the police report, contaip-

ing the name and address o f witnesses, will not be

affected. The Council request members to notify the

Society of any case in which the last mentioned

facilities are not provided.





Intermediate Examination


be held on

June 1 st and 2nd, 1950. The latest date for receiving

notice of attention to attend the examination will be

May n th .