hi Kappa Theta begins its
second generation of
leadership in the nation–
al scene. Locally, for .'.30 years,
Phi Kappa Theta has held a
unique relationship with USD.
Ever since the Call-
forn i a Phi Delta
Chapter was Insti-
tuted as the first
fraternity on cam–
pus back In 1961,
Phi Kaps have
been active In all
phases of campus
life. The brothers of
Phi Kappa Theta strive to con–
tinually better themselves
through athletics, community
service, and academics. Build–
Ing on a firm foundation of lead–
ership and brotherhood, Phi
Kaps have a unparalled tradi–
tion on campus.
Realizing that there is more to
life than just academics, our so–
cial calender keeps us busy un–
der the San Diego sun and stars.
Some high–
lights are:
Club Med,
Around the
World with
Alpha Delta
Pl, Barnyard
Bash with
Alpha Phi,
Weekend, Harbor Cruise Pledge
Dance, Father's Weekend, and
Christmas Dance. We conclud–
ed with our Charter Ball which
celebrates our founding as
USD's first fraternity.
Marchant. Will Boyd, Rob carbone,
Chris Courtly and Matt Westover party Hawaiian
style at the Christmas Luau.
ravls Black, Will Boyd, Eddie Bahny, Drew
Sherrill and their dates enjoy their meal at
Charter Ball.
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