G etting
ready for the
Homecoming Parade, Alpha
Phis are getting ready to
show their Torero Pridel
B ordeaux Ball: sis–
ters Kara Parten, Liz
Schor and Wendy War·
C harity Sanker,
Shannon Turiey and Al·
lyson Thomas, In high
spirits for Rush.
A pha
Phi sisters Mimi Peterson, Shan–
non Mack, Allison Scriven and Josie Hudak
show their spirit In the halftime Homecom–
ing parade.
Phi's Allyson Thomas. Kim Knee–
land, Kathy Roberts, Sandy Sorresse. Jen
Partin and Laura Aberer get together to cele–
brate their Hrsl birthday.
..__2_76_Acl>_@ J