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Environment and Security



strengthen environmental reporting. The Fifth Central Asian

Festival of Environmental Journalismwill be held in Almaty in

2005. Much as the 2004 festival in Tashkent, it will be a good

opportunity to highlight environment and security issues in

the Ferghana valley. ENVSEC also plans to cooperate with

local journalists on production once particular issues are

ripe for increased public and media attention.

Finally, this assessment only constitutes a baseline whereas

more long-termmonitoring of developments in the environ-

ment and security field is needed for both international and

the local audiences. ENVSEC will cooperate with existing

conflict prevention and monitoring programmes to strength-

en their environment and resource-oriented components for

the benefit of forward-looking analysis, coupled with regular

monitoring of environmental quality. Through the develop-

ment of environmental indicators for an

early warning system

for social conflict, ENVSECwill improve the crisis prevention

tools utilized in the Ferghana Valley. Involving the response

side of the Governments at an early stage will develop the

capabilities for coping with increased social tension, thereby

reducing the risk of conflict situations. This will also provide

input into ENVSEC projects in all the other clusters.

Clearly, the range of needs and issues outlined in this as-

sessment far exceeds the capacities of any single organi-

zation or even cross-organizational venture. The concrete

activities described above are only a subset of those that

may and eventually will be carried out in the longer-term.

For example one aspect of strengthening regional govern-

ance involves engaging the countries in more common

work to implement key environmental conventions with a

transboundary component. In this we expect greater coop-

eration between ENVSEC and the conventions’ secretariats.

It is vitally important that there should be tangible strategic

cooperation with regional programmes and institutions such

as the Regional Environmental Action Plan, the Regional En-

vironmental Centre for Central Asia, the International Fund

for Saving the Aral Sea, and its subordinate commissions.

One outcome that ENVSEC will hardly be able to deliver

is to bring investment in real, physical infrastructure such

as canals, dams, filters or sealing for tailing ponds. Here

we hope that by confirming and highlighting new priorities

and reconfirming old ones, we can help to interest larger

institutions with the necessary capabilities and resources

in making long-term capital investments.

All in all, we welcome any ideas that may strengthen EN-

VSEC’s conclusions, approach and portfolio of actions

– with the long-term aim of bringing greater security and a

cleaner environment to the people of the Ferghana valley.

With care, three or four thousand men may be

maintained by the revenues of Fergana.

Quotations in blue are taken and shortened from the


of Babur”



, the work of the great-great-great-

grandson of Timur (Tamerlane), Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur

(1483-1530). Babur-nama is said to “rank with the Confessions

of St. Augustine and Rousseau, and the memoirs of Gibbon

and Newton”. Among other tales, it tells the story of the prince’s

struggle to assert and defend his claim to the throne of Samarkand

and the region of the Fergana valley. There is much on the political

and military struggles at the end of 1490s, but also observations

on the physical and human geography, the flora and fauna, no-

mads in their pastures and urban environments enriched by the

architecture, music and Persian and Turkic literature. Translation

by Daniel C. Waugh.