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We offer the latest in custom and enhanced

calling features which will help to simplify your

life and maximize your time. Please contact

our office for specific information and package

discounts which can save you even more!


Busy numbers are automatically redialed for up to

30 minutes, freeing up your valuable time.

1. When you hear a busy signal, press & release the


2. Press “

66” (rotary phones, dial “1166”).

3. If the line is still busy, hang up.

4. A special callback ring alerts you if the line

becomes free.

5. Lift the handset to automatically place the call.


Return the last call you received even if you didn’t

answer it!

1. Lift the handset.

2. Press “

69” (rotary phones, dial “1169”).

If the line is busy:

3. Hang up. Your phone will keep trying the line for

30 min.

4. A special callback ring alerts you if the line

becomes free.

5. Lift the handset to automatically place the call.

To cancel your Automatic Recall request:

1. Press “

89” (rotary phones, dial “1189”).

2. Listen for the confirmation tone or announcement.

3. Hang up.


Program your calls to ring directly to another


To turn on the service:

1. Press “

72” (rotary phones, dial “1172”; wait for

dial tone).

2. Dial the number where you want your calls


3. When the phone is answered, your Call Forward is

in effect.

If the line is busy, or there’s no answer:

4. Hang up.

5. Within 2 minutes, repeat steps 1-3. A confirmation

tone will let you know your Call Forward is now


To turn off the service:

1. Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.

2. Press “

73” (rotary phones, dial “1173”).

3. Listen for the confirmation tone, then hang up.

To change the “forward to” number:

1. Turn off Call Forward.

2. Repeat steps 1-3 above to turn on Call Forward,

entering the new “forward to” number.


When your line is busy, your callers can reach

someone else or leave a message for you.

To turn on the service:

1. Press “

90” (rotary phones, dial “1190”); wait for

dial tone.

2. Dial the number where you want your calls


3. When the phone is answered, your Call Forward is

in effect.

If the line is busy, or there’s no answer:

4. Hang up.

5. Within 2 minutes repeat steps 1-3. A confirmation

tone will let you know your Call Forward Busy is

now working.

To turn off the service:

1. Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.

2. Press “

91” (rotary phones, dial “1191”).

3. Listen for the confirmation tone, then hang up.

To change the “forward to” number:

1. Turn off Call Forward.

2. Repeat steps 1-3 above to turn on Call Forward,

entering the new “forward to” number.


Whenever you can’t answer, forward your calls to

someone who can.

To turn on the service:

1. Press “

92” (rotary phones, dial “1192”; wait for

dial tone).

2. Dial the number of rings (from 2 to 9) to be allowed

before the call is forwarded.

3. Dial the number where you want your calls


4. When the phone is answered, your Call Forward

No Answer is in effect.

If the line is busy, or there’s no answer:

5. Hang up.

6. Within 2 minutes, repeat steps 1-4 above. A

confirmation tone will let you know your Call

Forward is now working.

To turn off the service:

1. Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.

2. Press “

93” (rotary phones, dial “1193”).

3. Listen for the confirmation tone, then hang up.

Your Call Forward No Answer is now “off”.

To change the “forward to” number:

1. Turn off Call Forward.

2. Repeat steps 1-4 above to turn on Call Forward,

entering the new “forward to” number.


From any location - turn on, turn off, or change

your forwarding number.

To access your telephone’s Call Forward

Service remotely:

1. Dial the Call Forward access number provided by


2. After the line rings, listen for the special dial tone.

3. Dial the 7-digit home or business number that has

Call Forward.

4. Dial your Personal Identification Number (PIN).

5. Listen for a special tone. You’re now ready to

change your Call Forward.

6. Proceed with one of the 3 Call Forward functions:

Call Forward, Call Forward-Busy, or Call Forward-

No Answer.


Custom Calling Features