This effort was significantly hindered by shipping difficulties.
Supporting Data
General Comment:
Data provided are consistent with SMPR requirements. More data is needed to complete a full SPIFAN
SLV. This effort hindered by sample shipping issues.
Method Optimization:
Performance Characteristics:
Analytical Range:
7 working standard concentrations are indicated for both vitamin D2 and D3. Concentrations ranging
from 5-100 ng/mL
LOQ was evaluated using blank samples, n=10, with measured standard deviation.
VitD3 LOQ, x+10SD, is reported as 0.961 ng/100g in reconstituted/RTF product.
Vit D2 LOQ, x+10SD, is reported as 0.813 ng/100g in reconstituted/RTF product
As reported these pass SMPR requirement
Recovery of vitamin D2 was assessed by overspike experimentation using SRM 1849a at three spike
levels. Analysis was completed in duplicate on each of 6 days. It is unclear if the within day replicates
were separate preparations or duplicate injections from same sample
Recovery reported was 101%-103% with very good precision.
Three additional product samples, 3 powders and 1 liquid, were spiked at two levels with both vitamin
D3 and D2. Each sample was analyzed in triplicate.
Recoveries ranged from 89-97% (Vit D2) and 97%-102% (Vit D3)
Precision values, n=3, ranged from <1% - 8.2% for vit D2 and vit D3
vitamin D3 results are 97% relative to the NIST SRM 1849a certified value
As reported these pass SMPR requirements
Precision (RSD
Precision was evaluated using SRM 1849a (vitamin D3) and overspike results in product matrices.
Data are limited.
Vitamin D2:
3.5% at 0.12mcg/100g RTF (SMPR ≤15%)
5.2% at 1.5 mcg/100g RTF (SMPR ≤11%)
4.1% at 2.5 mcg/100g RTF(SMPR ≤11%)
Vitamin D3:
3% at 1.5 mcg/100g RTF (SMPR ≤11%)
VitD-17 Review Forms