Tom Collins
In a long tumbler, place one portion dry Gordon gin,
juice of one half lemon, one teaspoonful of powdered
sugar, a few lumps of ice and seltzer water. Stir well.
Minute Man Highball
In a large tumbler mix one half applejack, one half
Port wine and the juice of half an orange. Add ice and
seltzer water. Ginger ale may be used if preferred.
Brandy Port Nog
Place in a shaker one part brandy, one part Port wine,
one raw egg, one teaspoonful of powdered sugar. Fill the
shaker with ice, shake thoroughly in order to break up
the egg, then strain into a large cocktail glass. Grate a
little nutmeg on top before serving.
Jam.mca Bitters
Mix in a large glass a large teaspoonful of powdered
sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water, three dashes of
lemon juice and a wine-glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the
glass with shaved ice, shake up and strain into a claret
glass. Ornament with orange and berries in season.