For the Perfect Beginning and the Perfect Ending
Orange Blossom Special
Dip a spoon in honey and dissolve the honey that
adheres to the spoon in one part of gin. Add one part
orange juice. Ice in shaker and strain into cocktail glass.
Orange Blossom Cocktail
Add the juice of half an orange to one portion of gin;
fill with ice, shake well and serve in cocktail glass.
Martini Cocktail
Place in shaker two parts dry gin, one part Italian
Vermouth (French Vermouth if the drink is preferred
dry), two dashes of orange bitters; fill with ice, shake and
strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with a twist of
lemon peel.
Mint Spray Cocktail
To one part of gin in a shaker add one part orange
jtiice and a half teaspoonful of powdered sugar; add ice,