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1.1 Group milestones and values



Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini


Passing away of Michel Jalabert, a Cap Gemini S.A. Board Member and one of the key figures in the Group’s history since

over fifty years.

1976, and of Odette Bernard-Colombat, the Group’s longest-serving employee and Serge Kampf’s personal assistant for

of its industry.

Group’s biggest technology partners, thereby confirming the Group’s position as a major player in the “Champions League”



“Rencontres” in San Francisco: the top 450 Capgemini managers gather, joined for the first time by some of the

Launch of Digital Customer Experience, a new global service line.


Acquisition of Euriware in France and signing of a contract with AREVA.


Acquisition of IGATE in the United States: North America becomes Capgemini’s largest market.


Passing away of Serge Kampf on March 15, 2016, founder of the Group.


The Group celebrates its 50



Seven values at the heart of the Group

to being ethically irreproachable at all times, and extremely high

obsession with drawing out the best from people, a commitment

entrepreneurial spirit, followed by a passion for clients, an

to guide us in everything we do today: first and foremost, an

contribution of both men and women who work hand-in-hand and

beginning, he understood that our industry is based on the

expectations with regards to performance. From the very

finally Capgemini, based on several major principles that continue

became Cap Gemini Sogeti, then Capgemini Ernst & Young, and

the IT market had barely emerged. He created Sogeti, which

the added value a services company would bring to a world where

In 1967, Serge Kampf was amongst the very first to understand

share common values that cannot be compromised upon.

they lie at the heart of all our actions as an ethical and responsible

motivate us as a Group and as individuals. Intangible by nature,

and shape our corporate culture and professional conduct. They

until he passed away on March 15, 2016. These values inspire

company. They form the basis of Capgemini’s reputation.

Honorary Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors,

time of their inception by Mr. Serge Kampf, founder of the Group,

Seven values permeate Capgemini’s corporate fabric, from the

penalized at once.

to use any underhanded method to help win business or gain any

lack of openness and integrity in our business dealings will be

honesty and probity. And everyone in the Group knows that any

have any real worth unless they are won through complete

kind of advantage. Neither growth nor profit nor independence


signifies loyalty, integrity, uprightness, a complete refusal

challenge one’s orientations and the

status quo

. This boldness

forcing their implementation, an acceptance periodically to

reality, merely dangerously reckless.

particular clear-sightedness, without which a bold manager is, in

also needs to be combined with a certain level of prudence and a

a firm determination to uphold one’s commitments). This is the

to take considered risks and show commitment (naturally linked to


, which implies a flair for entrepreneurship and a desire

very soul of competitiveness: firmness in making decisions or in

people and the widest possible sharing of ideas and information.

priority, within the Company, to real openness toward other

where they will be put into practice. Trust also means giving

teams; to have decisions made as close as possible to the point


, meaning the willingness to empower both individuals and

an essential quality in an international group.

tolerance, respect for others, for different cultures and customs:

deeds, and entrepreneurial spirit, creativity. It also means


, which means independence in thought, judgment and

responsibilities and an instinctive willingness to support common

fairness in sharing the benefits of collective work; accepting

Team spirit

, meaning solidarity, friendship, fidelity, generosity,

efforts when the storm is raging.

having a relaxed attitude, having a sense of humor.


, that is simplicity, the very opposite of affectation,

pretension, pomposity, arrogance and boastfulness. Simplicity

understood by them. It is about being frank in work relationships,

sense, being attentive to others and taking the trouble to be

more about being discreet, showing natural modesty, common

does not imply naivety (‘simple does not mean simpleton!’); it is

accomplishment in the search for better quality and greater

one’s team, feeling proud of what one does, feeling a sense of


means feeling good about being part of the Company or

efficiency, feeling part of a challenging project.

improve their performance.

“People matter, results count ”. We believe that our clients’

These values are embodied in Capgemini’s brand promise:

organizations to respond faster to market trends, to adapt and to

the difference. Our approach thus enables companies and

women and men who give that technology life and who make all

success does not depend on technology only, but also on the

ability to listen, to be flexible, agile and creative — essential

“Collaborative Business Experience


”, which gives priority to the

Truly multicultural, Capgemini works on the basis of its trademark

qualities to ensure the success of our clients.