T 1982
International Bar Association
Establishes New Section on Energy
The IBA Council at their meeting in New Delhi in
October, 1982 approved the change in status of
Energy and Natural Resources Law (Committee O)
of the Section on Business Law of the IBA to the
section on Energy and Natural Resources Law
(SERL) with effect from 1 January 1983.
Since its formation in 1970 membership of
Committee O has grown to over 800 and its activities
have expanded considerably. The Section aims to
advance the development and understanding of the
law as it affects oil, gas, coal, uranium and other
mineral and energy sources, both nationally and
internationally. Members will include lawyers in
private practice, oil and mining companies,
government, academic circles and international
Between 1975 and 1982 Committee O held five
advanced, usually residential, seminars on energy
and resources law, bringing together up to 350
specialists from all parts of the world. The major
focus of the new Section's activities will be this
continuing education programme. The next seminar
will be held in Houston, Texas from 19-24 February
1984. In addition to these intensive seminars the
Section will discuss current international energy and
natural resources topics at meetings held during the
IBA and SBL Conferences.
The new Section will have four Committees
dealing with specialist subjects of interest to energy
lawyers namely, Oil and Gas Law, Mineral Law,
Coal Law and Renewable Energy Law. Each
Committee, will hold meetings to discuss matters
within its particular sphere.
The Section will continue to publish the full
proceedings of its seminars, in addition to its own
quarterly newsheet containing information on
Section activities, membership news, articles and
reports on current energy and natural resources law
in the major resource countries of the world.
Any person who is a qualified member of the legal
profession is eligible to join the IBA (annual dues stg.
£27.50, or under 36 years of age, stg. £15) and may
join the Section on Energy and Natural Resources on
payment of additional annual dues of stg. £15.
Full details of membership of the IBA and the
new Section are available from: The International
Bar Association, 2 Harewood Place, London WIR
9HB. •
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