it going again. Don’t fall into that trap. Persist, and you’ll find the reason that your test
is failing, and you’ll find a way to lock it down and make it deterministic, and green,
Take Pride in Your Tests, as You Do in Your Code
One of the things that helps is to stop thinking of your tests as being an incidental add-
on to the “real” code, and to start thinking of themas being a part of the finished product
that you’re building—a part that should be just as finely polished, just as aesthetically
pleasing, and a part you can be justly proud of delivering…
So do it because the Testing Goat says so. Do it because you know the payoff will be
worth it, even if it’s not immediate. Do it out of a sense of duty, or professionalism, or
OCD, or sheer bloody-mindedness. Do it because it’s a good thing to practice. And,
eventually, do it because it makes software development more fun.
Remember to Tip the Bar Staff
This book wouldn’t have been possible without the backing of my publisher, the won‐
derful O’Reilly Media. If you’re reading the free edition online, I hope you’ll consider
buying a real copy… if you don’t need one for yourself, thenmaybe as a gift for a friend?
Don’t Be a Stranger!
I hope you enjoyed the book. Do get in touch and tell me what you thought!
Obey the Testing Goat!