While a brisk sock from the distaff side is added by Veronica Harrold
of the hat checking department:
Stay Up Late:
oz. lemon juice
oz. club soda
oz. gin
oz: bran~y
little sugar
lemon slice
Serve in a Collins glass.
Alice Henry, of the Billingsley office staff, offers the "Romance
Cocktail"; and the "Victory", both of which originated in Paris
first world war:
Romance Cocktail:
120: Stork Club Bar Boole
oz. brandy (cognac) and cura4<ao mixed
in equal parts
oz. Amer-Picon
oz. French vermouth
oz. Italian vermouth
Add cracked ice and shake. Serve in a cock–
tail glass.
oz. orange and lemon juice mixed in
equal parts with several dashes of
I oz. French vermouth ·
1 oz. Italian vermouth
Add cracked ice and shake. Serve in a cock–
tail glass.