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Cotillion Cocktail:



oz. bourbon


oz. triple sec


oz. orange juice


oz. lemon juice

1 dash rum

Shake and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.

Long ago in the early Scott Fitzgerald era when collegiate youth

down for the weekend from New Haven had never heard of a yet–

to-be-born Stork Club, they did their hoisting at a variety of places

dominated, over the years of the early twenties, by Matt Winkle's

at 381 Park Avenue and the celebrated resort o'f Dan and Mort

Moriarity at 216 East Fifty-eighth Street. The lo_re and legends of

the age are available in other and better suited repositories than

here, but one of the institutions of a time when-Connie Bennett was

the pin-up girl of the Plaza Grill on Saturday afternoons and the

tea dance was in its finest flower was the practice of pooling the

resources of ten or a dozen undergraduates to reserve a single bed–

room at the Commodore Hotel. This served to shave, change to

dinner attire and park their luggage in for the weekend, and, by a

few simple expedients, such as dismantling the


of its double

mattresses and wedging two customers in the bathtub, as many as

fifteen were able to spend the night in such an apartment with a

maxinmm of discomfort and minimum of cash outlay.

Sunday noontime was invariably one of remorse, stock taking,

bail raising and attempts to quicken the unidentified dead found in

a coma beside the laundry hamper and the sole clue to whose

identity was a return ticket to New Haven in the pocket of a Brooks

dinner jacket. Usually three or four quarts of gin could be raised

among the bottle scarred veterans of Saturday night at the Palais

Royal, and it was rendered potable by the simple expedient of

