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MARCH, 1917]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


February 28th.



The late Mr. Patrick K. White.


resolution was passed expressing the

deep regret of the Council owing to the death

of their colleague, Mr. Patrick K. White, and

conveying to his relations sympathy in their



Clerks of the Crown and Peace.

Letters were read acknowledging receipt of

the resolution of the Council relative to the

reduction of salaries in the office of Clerk of

the Crown and Peace.

Dublin Reconstruction Act, 1916.

A report was submitted from the Special

Committee of the Council who had con

sidered the draft of the rules which have been

made under this Act. The report stated that

the Committee had conferred with


Solicitor for the Destroyed Property Owners'

Association, and the Law Agent of the Dublin

Corporation, and that it had been agreed that

in order to facilitate the carrying out of the

Act an amending Act was necessary. A draft

amending Bill was




principles were approved of by the Council.

Workmen's Compensation Act Rules.

A report was submitted from the County

Courts Committee, upon the draft Con

solidated Workmen's Compensation (Ireland)

Rules. The report was adopted.

Council Meetings.

MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon

the following dates :—

March 28th.

April 18th.

May 2nd, 16th and 3()th.

Committee Meetings.

THE following Committee Meetings were held

during-February, 1917 :—

Statutory, 2nd.

Costs, 7th and 20th.

Dublin Reconstruction Act, 1916, 6th,

7th, and 21st.


Court of Examiners, 9th.

Gazette, 13th.

County Courts, 27th.


MR. THOMAS ORR, Solicitor, died upon the

1st February, 1917, at Lifford.

Mr. Orr served his apprenticeship with

Mr. Alfred

Stubbs, Ballyshannon, was

admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1902, and

practised at Ballyshannon.

MR. JOHN RYAN, Solicitor, died upon the

llth February, 1917, at his residence, 100

George Street, Limerick.

Mr. Ryan served his apprenticeship with

the late Mr. Michael J. Ruttle, Glentworth

Street, Limerick, was admitted in Trinity

Term, 1857, and practised at Limerick.

MR. PATRICK K. WHITE, Solicitor, died


the 14th February,


at his

residence, 2 Melrose, Ranelagh Road, Dublin.

Mr. White served his apprenticeship with

his uncle, the late Mr. William J. Dealy, 13

Wellington Quay, Dublin, was admitted in

Hilary Term, 1875, and practised (formerly

in partnership with Mr. William J. Dealy)

under the style of Messrs. Dealy and White,

at 13 Wellington Quay, Dublin.

Mr. White was elected a member of the

Council last November.

MR. THOMAS O'MEARA, Solicitor, died upon

the 15th February, 1917, at his residence,

" The Ochra," Bray.

Mr. O'Meara served his apprenticeship with

the late Mr. William J. Stuart, 5 St. Andrew

Street, Dublin, was admitted in Easter Term,

1875, and practised at 44 Fleet Street,


Roll of Honour.


Solicitor, " D" Company, 7th Batt, Royal