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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[MARCH, 1917

Dublin Fusiliers, previously reported missing,

is now reported killed

in action at the

Dardanelles, on the 16th August, 1915.





apprenticeship with the late Sir William

Findlater, 53 Dame Street, Dublin, was

admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1898, and

practise:! at 12 Trinity Street, Dublin.

MR. JASPER T. BRETT, Solicitor's Appren

tice, late Second Lieutenant, Royal Dublin

Fusiliers, died upon the 4th February, 1917.

Mr. Brctt was apprenticed on the 1st

November, 1912, to his father, Mr. William

J. Brett, 13 Bachelor's Walk, Dublin.


IVAN H. GARVEY, Solicitor's

Apprentice, Connaught Rangers, died of

wounds, on the 19th February, 1917.

Since his death, the announcement has

been made of

the award of the Military

Cross to Captain Garvey.

Captain Garvey was apprenticed on the

23rd September, 1909, to his father, Mr. John

Garvey, Ballina.

New Members.


following joined the Society during

February, 1917 :—

Gaynor, John J., 40 Nth. Great George's

Street, Dublin.

Seeds, Stirling J., 13 Ann Street, Belfast.

Payment of Certificate Duty by Solicitors

engaged on Active Service with Naval

or Military Forces.

RELIEF from Certificate Duty will be allowed

in respect of any period during which a

Solicitor has been or is engaged on active

service with the Naval or Military Forces,

and who during that period has taken no

active part in conducting his business, or

that of the firm, of which he is a partner.

Application on behalf of any Solicitor who

wishes to obtain a refund of Certificate Duty

paid should be made to the Assistant Secre

tary and Comptroller,

Inland Revenue,

Custom House, Dublin, as soon as possible

after the expiry of the term for which the

Certificate was issued. Such application may

be for the whole or proportion of the duty,

according to the time during which Naval or

Military duties have prevented the trans

action by the applicant of his legal business.

Every application should be accompanied by

the duly stamped Certificate in respect of

which the claim is made, and also by a

statutory declaration setting forth all the

facts necessary to establish the claim.

The above arrangement under which duty

may be refunded'does'not in any way alter

the necessity for Solicitors practising cither

alone or

in partnership holding a duly

stamped Certificate.

It refers exclusively to

the refund of the duty which has been paid,

and does not affect or excuse its original

payment in cases in which according to law

such payment is required.

Registration of Business Names Act, 1916.

THE prescribed forms of application for the

purpose of registration under the above are

obtainable at the principal Post Offices.

The Registrar-General, who is the Registrar

of Business Names


Ireland, has a

temporary office


the purpose at


Gardiner's Row, Dublin, pending the opening

of the permanent office at Coleraine House,

Coleraine Street, Dublin.



The Act passed upon the 22nd December,


Section 1 of the Act provides as follows :—

" Subject to the provisions of this'Act—

(a) Every firm having a place of business

in the United Kingdom, and carrying on

business under a business name which does

not consist of the true surnames of all

partners who are

individuals and the

corporate names of all partners who are

corporations without any addition other

than the true Christian names of individual

partners of initials of such Christian names;


Every individual having a place of



the United Kingdom and

carrying on a business under a business

name which does not consist of his true

surname without any addition other than