APRIL, 1917]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
March 28th.
Measuring Costs.
A letter having been received from a
member giving particulars of an application to
the Court of King's Bench for final judgment
in which the Court granted the application
and measured the costs of the motion, notwith
standing that Counsel for plaintiff requested
the Court to direct the costs of the motion to
taxed, and there being no " special
circumstances " in the case.
It was resolved
to send a protest to the Judges of the King's
Bench Division against the measuring of
costs of such motions, in the absence of an
application for their measurement by Counsel
for the party to whom the costs are payable,
and in the absence of special circumstances.
An application by a Solicitor for renewal of
his Certificate was considered, and an order
was made.
Preliminary Examination.
Memorials, under Section 18, from two
Law Clerks for modified Preliminary Exam
inations were considered, and it was resolved
to consent to the granting of a modified
examination under the Judges' minute of
12th May, 1892, in both cases.
Council Meetings.
MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon
the following dates :—
April 18th.
May 2nd, 16th and 30th.
Committee Meetings.
THE following Committee meetings were held
during March, 1917 :—
Court of Examiners, 7th.
Gazette, 9th.
Statutory, 16th and 29th.
Court and Offices, 22nd.
MR. SAMUEL ABBOTT, Solicitor, died upon
the 4th March, 1917, at his residence, 36
Clarincla Park, West, Kingstown, Co. Dublin.
Mr. Abbott served his apprenticeship with
the late Mr. John Welsh, 88 South Mall, Cork,
was admitted in Michaelmas Term, 1854, and
practised formerly at 1 Merchant's Quay,
Dublin, and latterly at 29 South Frederick
Street, Dublin.
K.C.B., Solicitor, died upon the 12th March,
1917, at Dublin.
Sir Patrick Coll was apprenticed to the late
Mr. Joshua Brereton, Dame Street, Dublin,
was admitted in Easter Term, 1864, and
practised at 4 Palace Street, Dublin, up to
the year 1884.
Sir Patrick was appointed Crown Solicitor
for the County and City of Dublin in the year
1884, Chief Crown Solicitor in 1888, was
created C.B. in 1890, received a Knighthood
in 1896, and was created K.C.B. in 1903.
Upon his retirement from the office of
Chief Crown Solicitor
1905, he was
appointed a member of
the Irish Privy
MR. WILLIAM P. CAREY, Solicitor, died
upon the 20th March, 1917, at his residence,
62 Rathgar Road, Dublin.
Mr. Carey served his apprenticeship with
his father, the late Mr. William Carey, 1
Wellington Quay, Dublin, was admitted in
Hilary Sittings, 1883, and practised formerly
(in partnership with his father) at HA
Eustace Street, and latterly at 43 Dame
Street, Dublin, under the style of Messrs.
Wm. Carey and Son.
Commissioners to Administer Oaths.
THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the
following to be Commissioners to administer
...;,,. ,-,- r.u.b;.-V i>»vir..,:iv: .-..a:
Wilfred L. Barlee, Solicitor, 30 Westland
Row, Dublin.
Edward H. Burne, Solicitor,
7 Lower
Ormond Quay, Dublin.