Proton Therapy for
Stage II-III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC):
3 prospective, multicenter trials in the USA
Phase III Trial initiated by MGH/MDACC photons versus protons to 74 Gy
(completed accrual)
Phase III RTOG trial photons versus protons to 70Gy or lower as per strict
OAR constraints (open)
Phase II hypofractionated dose escalation trial 60 Gy at 25 Gy/frct up to 4
Gy/frct– Univ. Florida PTC (open for accrual)
Prospective trials in Europe
PRONTOX. Single-center
, randomized Phase II. Photons vrs. protons. 66 Gy
(RBE) (2 Gy x 6 per week) with concomitant chemotherapy. Primary endpoint:
Reduction of radiation-induced side effects (esophagitis and pneumonitis grade II
or higher) from 39 to 12% by protons. Univ. Dresden, Germany