crystal and glass, to modern architectural styles
in marble, chrome and steel. The diversity is not
limited to styles and materials, but is embodied in
the colours of the pieces. Whether a toned down,
natural palette or a striking pop of colour in a state-
ment piece, Euro Nouveau has considered nearly
every aesthetic.
It was important to Eurolux to have a South
African brand represented in the new space. It
found a strategic creative partner in Carrol Boyes,
the renowned local designer whose high-end
home and lifestyle designs have been coveted
by discerning buyers across the world for more
than 25 years.
For Euro Nouveau, Carrol and her team have
turned some of her most iconic designs into an
exquisite range of floor, table, wall sconces and
pendant lights.The pieces are distinctly African and
quintessentially Carrol Boyes.
Eurolux has taken great care in selecting distribu-
tion partners for the Euro Noveau products across
South Africa, and in Namibia, Botswana and Zimba-
bwe. These are typically lighting and decor traders
that serve the niche categories to which the Euro
Nouveau pieces appeal. To enhance the purchas-
ing experience for the client, each Euro Nouveau
distribution partner will have its own showroom
with bespoke pieces from the new range.
Euro Nouveau features lighting by the following
European manufacturers:
Fontana Arte
www.slamp.comIris Cristal
www.bomma.czEuro Nouveau: contact
Mandy Hayes on +27 (0)21 528 8400