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How Can I Get Involved in Sculpture?

like dance, music, computer skills, and maybe even sculpture. Local art

museums may also have similar programs.

Think ahead as you make your college plans. Many sculptors have

an advanced degree in art. A Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA) is especially

helpful. Taking a few years of art classes gives students access to teach-

ers with a lot of knowledge, along with advanced equipment and tools.

Many artists discover and refine their artistic style while in school.

Different colleges offer different sculpture courses, but students at art

colleges typically have plenty of choices. If you attend an art school,

you could take mold making and casting, stone carving, ceramics, figure

modeling, glassblowing, and more. Some schools specialize in one sort

Creating works from glass takes specialized skills and materials. Some communities

offer glassblowing classes, and most art schools will offer classes in glass.