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due to deforestation and natural events (FAO 2010a). This is

equivalent to an area about the size of 36 football fields being

lost every minute (WWF 2013). When taking into account the

expansion of natural and planted forests, the annual net loss

in forest area between 2000 and 2010 was 5.2 million hectares

(FAO 2010a).

Deforestation rates are highest in the tropical areas of South

America and Africa (FAO 2010a), where the majority of forest

dependent people live (MA 2005; FAO 2012a). Between 2000 and

2010 South America had a net loss of 4 million hectares per year,

while Africa had a net loss of 3.4 million hectares per year. As a

region, Asia had a 2.2 million hectare net increase per year from

2000 to 2010, but thiswasmostlydue toChina’s large contribution

to afforestation as other countries inSouth andSouth East Asia are

still experiencing high rates of net loss (FAO 2010a). While Central

and North America had about the same extent of forests in 2010 as

in 2000, European forests are expanding.

Deforestation is due to a combination of economic, political

and institutional factors (MA 2005). They include agricultural

expansion, timber extraction, illegal logging and land

conversion to grazing land and plantations (FAO 2012a).

Agricultural expansion is by far the main driver, causing about

80 per cent of deforestation worldwide (Kissinger

et al.
