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This illustrates the complexity of the relationship between

forests and food security. A change in land use from forest to

agricultural or grazing land will most likely increase net food

production. However, while such land cover change may ensure

short-term food security it is important to consider the long-

term consequences.

Food loss and waste in forest ecosystems

Although forests are one of the key food provisioning

ecosystems, their role and contribution to food security, food

loss and waste is not as obvious, since forest foods are not part

of commercial food production. There are no detailed studies

that have estimated the global or regional quantity or value

of forests’ contribution to food production or food loss and

waste. The challenges with such studies lie with the difficulty

of estimating a monetary value for non-market food items

and quantifying how much food forests produce. The most

significant contribution of forests to food security however may

be the ecosystem services they provide that are vital for other

food-providing ecosystems.

Forest ecosystems’ regulating and supporting services are

fundamental to other food provisioning ecosystems, especially

agro-ecosystems (MA 2005; FAO 2011a). Clean water is a

necessity for all food production. Forests capture, filter, store

and regulate the flow of water across landscapes, ensuring

steady water flows to agricultural production downstream and

clean drinking water for people and livestock (Power 2010).

Further, forests prevent soil erosion and landslides as tree

and plant roots bind soil particles together. Deforestation is

one of the key drivers of the estimated 10 million hectares of

arable land that are degraded each year due to soil erosion

(Kang and Akinnifesi 2000; Pimentel 2006). Trees also play

a vital role in increasing soil productivity by adding nutrients

that are necessary for crop production (Pimentel

et al.


Kang and Akinnifesi 2000). In addition, trees serve as habitat

for insects and birds that provide pollination and natural pest

control in wild and agricultural food production (Sunderland

et al.


Forests are one of the richest ecosystems on earth with over 80

per cent of the terrestrial biodiversity (FAO 2012a). Conserving

biodiversity in forests is not only crucial for today’s food

security, but also for future generations. Forests act as a gene

pool containing numerous varieties of crops that are cultivated

today. Coffee, cacao, tea and avocado are all examples of

cultivated food items that can be found in their natural form

in forests (FAO 2011a). Protecting wild food items is crucial

as future events, such as changes in climate or diseases, may

affect the productivity of crops commonly grown today.