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Food loss and waste in aquatic ecosystems

Aquatic ecosystems are crucial for food security. Overfishing is depleting the world fish stocks and

the resource base for many people. Yet, an estimated 35 per cent of all caught fish and seafood

is never consumed, because it is either lost or wasted along the food supply chain. Estimates

suggests that discards from fishing vessels alone could satisfy the daily protein needs of

370 million people for a year, and by recovering depleted fish stocks the increase in fish catch

could cover the protein needs of an additional 90 million people. Food loss and waste from aquatic

ecosystems is to a great extent caused by prevailing management practices. A shift to ecosystem

approaches in fisheries could avert such loss and waste by reducing the degradation of aquatic

ecosystems, curbing overfishing and allowing fish stocks to recover.

Food provisioning by aquatic ecosystems

Aquatic ecosystems, including rivers and lakes, inland seas,

floodplains, estuaries, coastal lagoons and open oceans, are the

source of multiple ecosystem services and human benefits. The

aquatic ecosystems deliver supporting and regulating services

such as nutrient cycling, atmospheric and climate regulation

and biological regulation. Mangroves are a source of wood,

provide nursery for juvenile fish and other marine organisms

and provide protection from storms, flooding and soil erosion.

Wetlands are important conservation areas and floodplains

are used for agriculture (MA 2005). More importantly, aquatic

ecosystems are a crucial source of food and provide livelihood

for many people across the globe.

Fisheries, including aquaculture, support the livelihoods of

an estimated 180 million people (FAO 2012d). Ninety per cent

of those employed in the fisheries sector work in small-scale

enterprises, of which women constitute a significant part (World

Bank 2012). Fish are not only important for livelihoods, but also

provide a crucial and affordable source of protein, especially in

developing countries. In 2009, 145 million tonnes of fish were

caught or farmed through aquaculture globally, of which about

122 million tonnes were used as food for people (FAO 2012d).

In 2010, the estimated annual per capita fish consumption was

18.6 kilogrammes as compared to 9.9 kilogrammes in the 1960s

(FAO 2012d). Africa consumes the least amount of fish per person

while Asia is responsible for two-thirds of all fish consumption

globally with China representing about half of the fish consumed

in this region (FAO 2012d). It is estimated that fish provide

about 10 per cent of human calorie intake globally (Nellemann

et al.

2009). In 2008 fish represented 15 per cent of the average

protein intake of more than 3 billion people (FAO 2011b).

The state of the world’s fisheries

World fisheries have gone through drastic expansion over the

last 50 years. Between 1950 and 1990 there was a fourfold

increase in the global fish catch. Since then, the total amount of

fish, shellfish and crab caught in the seas has remained more

or less constant, while aquaculture has grown steadily at an

annual growth rate of 8.8 per cent between 1980 and 2010 (FAO

2012b; Schäfer

et al.


The intense use of fish stocks that are commercially exploited

worldwide has come at a cost. According to estimates made by

the FAO more than half of the world’s fish stocks are categorized

as fully exploited and 30 per cent as overexploited (FAO 2012b).

The fishing capacity of the European Union’s fishing fleet has

been estimated to be two to three times the size oceans can

sustainably support (European Commission 2008). Illegal,

unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is perhaps just as, or

more, significant than overfishing. Though difficult to estimate,

expertssuggestthattheannualillegalcatch isbetween11 and26

million tonnes (Schmidt

et al.

2013). Overfishing causes a total

net loss of about US$50 million annually (World Bank 2009),

and based on calculations from Sirinivasan

et al.

(2010), had