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Wire & Cable ASIA – May/June 2009


Falcon TopScan AWM

Falcon Topscan AWM system is a vision inspection machine that allows fully

automatic thickness measurement on insulating covers and non-metallic

sheathings of electric cables. Developed by Falcon Instruments, TopScan AWM is

the evolution of the profile projector or of the measuring microscope, achieving the

following aims:

Measurement objectivity

Results repeatability

Time and manpower saving

Ease of use

Conformity with CEI 20-34/1-1 and with the international normative

The system measures the thickness of insulating covers and sheathings, giving the

single thickness measurement. The system is also capable of working with varying

height cable samples and with a single parallel plane. This is made possible by

a particular disposition of the camera. It also allows a double interfacing level

with the instrument: the first level is for the line operators; the second one is for a

supervisor or for those who are in charge of quality laboratories. All the systems of

this product line have been developed using the criterion of the Falcon MMI user

interface concept – press a button and measure.

The instrument has following metrological characteristics:

Measurement repeatability: 1/4000 of the field of view. For example the

repeatability of the instrument with a 20mm field of view is equivalent to


Measurement reliability: 1/2000. For example, instrument reliability with 20mm

field of view is equivalent to ±0.01mm.

Emmerre Srl – Italy Fax

: +39 075 953298







Specialising in the design and manu-

facture of a range of enamelled wire

testing equipment for the determina-

tion of mechanical, electrical, thermal

and chemical features, Italian-based

Rigon Instruments is announcing the

introduction in the next few months of

its new tangent delta tester.

The new tester is suitable for testing

round and flat wire. It avoids the

preliminary application of graphite,

so saving costs and time, while main-

taining simplicity of use and reliability.

A full range of accessories is available.

Based on the most advanced software

platform, the tangent delta tester gives

the opportunity to choose the language

and to carry out tests according to the

main international regulations or with

semi-logarithmic scale or single point


The layout of the report page is fully

configurable, allowing for the inclusion

of the required comments.

Rigon Instruments Sas – Italy


: +39 01124 80012





Online diameter inspection

Xactum intelligent laser micrometers, used as online diameter gauges in the

Xploreline configuration, measure diameters quickly, accurately and easily.

The XLS gauges are programmed with

dedicated software and are complete with

a display unit and a remote control. The

system can be used to monitor the diameter

online, measuring fast moving products to

achieve a 100% inspection and to avoid any

dimensional non-conformity.

The system from Aeroel can be used to

measure diameter and position of the

product in the measuring field; monitor

average diameter and detect short diameter

flaws; or record the maximum and minimum diameter over a programmable

length. An alarm sounds when out of tolerance measurements are detected.

Exclusive Blistbuster software (on dual axis systems) detects repetitive flaws

or blisters.

The advantages of the system are:

Two instruments in one: diameter controller and flaw detector

No scrap material: real-time inspection avoids rejects and complaints

Savings in materials can give fast pay back on investment

Full process automation

More competitive products due to improved product quality where

performance depends on its cross-section area (tensile strength, or

electrical conductivity, for example)

Quality certification: printed detailed reports demonstrate product quality

Aeroel Srl – Italy


: +39 0432 671543





The Falcon TopScan AWM available

from Emmerre

Xploreline system from Aeroel