Juice of six lemons.
2 gallons of brandy.
1 gallon of water.
gallon of strong green tea.
1 pint of Jamaica rum.
pint of Curaeoa.
(For bottling.)
(From a recipe by 8antinu, the celebrated Spanish caterer.)
Take lg pound of loaf-sugar, dissolved in sufBcient
M ix thoroughly an d s t r a in , as d escribed in t h e
recipe for
".Punch cilu Ford,"
adding more sugar and
l emon juice, if to taste. Bo t t l e, and keep on i c e f o r
t hree or four days, and the punch w i l l b e r e ady f o r
use, but the longer it stands, the better it gets.
Take l~~ pint of strong green tea
Regent'8 Punch .
(Uae punch bowl.)
1~ pint of lemon juice.
l>2 pint of Capillaire.
1 pint of Jamaica rum.
1 pint of brandy.
1 pint of Batavia arrack.
1 pint of Curagoa.
1 bottle of Champagne.
1 pineapple, sliced.
2 oranges, sliced.
Mix the ingredients well together in a punch-bowl,
and add the wine and ice just before serving.
H a a e l o o l x T